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United States Population
States by Population

Virginia Population 2025

Virginia People
Virginia population in 2025 is estimated to be 8.71 million and 12th populous state in the US, and its gaining population and increased by 78,505 people since from 2020 census. Virginia (U.S. state abbreviation is 'VA') is the south-eastern state of United States, borders North Carolina to the south, Maryland to the north, Atlantic Ocean to the east, West Virginia to the west. Its Area rank is 35th and area is 42,774 sq miles (110,785 sq km). Virginia is one of the oldest state it is estimated more than 2,500 habitants in 1630 at the time of European revolution. Richmond city is the state capital, Virginia Beach, Norfolk, Chesapeake, Newport News, Alexandria, Hampton and Arlington are the other cities of this state. Virginia was named after Elizabeth I who ruled England from 1558 to 1603, People called her 'Virgin Queen', Since she never married in four decades. The Pentagon building, the defence headquarters of US is located in one of the Virginia's cities of Arlington. Virginia Zip code starts with two. Jamestown is the first of the original 13 Colonies was founded for the purpose of silk cultivation. Franklin, Roanoke, Portsmouth, Suffolk and Fredericksburg are the top most dangerous cities in Virginia.

VA population is projected to 8.5 million in 2019 and it is same in 2018 as per US census estimates. According to U.S. 2020 Census Results, VA population in 2020 is 8,631,393. Virginia population in 2023 is estimated to be 8.7 million, population in 2022 is estimated to be 8.67 million, and in 2021 is estimated to be 8.67 million.
YearPopulation% Change
20208,631,393census updated
July 1, 2020
Source : Annual Estimates of the Resident Population: April 1, 2010 to July 1, 2018, last census by July 1, 2020

Virginia Population by Race

According to 2017 demographics estimates population of Virginia by race are:

White Population

White population in Virginia are 5,720,209, percentage wise 68.37 percent are whites. Whites, also called White Americans or European American, having origins in the original peoples of Europe (numbers include hispanic whites).

Black Population

Black population in Virginia are 1,605,447, percentage wise 19.19 percent are blacks. African American refers to black population in Virginia, They are Black racial groups of Africa, includes Sub-Saharan African people, Kenyan, Nigerian, Caribbean such as Haitian and Jamaican.

Asian Population

Asian population in Virginia are 520,119, percentage wise 6.22 percent are asians, out of these 131,199 are Asian Indians, 75,301 are Chinese, 72,676 are Filipinos, 12,147 are Japanese, 72,115 are Korean, 59,838 are Vietnamese and 96,843 are other Asian nationals.

Hispanic Population

Hispanic population in Virginia are 749,458. Percentage wise 8.96 percent are hispanics, out of these 172,816 are Mexican people, 96,604 are Puerto Ricans, 20,143 are Cubans, and 459,895 are other Hispanic or Latinos. Hispanics may be of any race, included in applicable race categories.

American Indian and Alaska Native are 22,499, 3,429 are Cherokee tribals, 392 are Chippewa tribal and 343 are Navajo and 444 are Sioux tribals. Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander are 5,469, out of these 1,436 are Native Hawaiian, 2,011 are Guamanian.Chamorro, 1,124 are Samoan.

Total Population8,365,952Percent
Black or African American1,605,44719.19%
American Indian and Alaska Native22,4990.269%
Cherokee tribal grouping3,4290.041%
Chippewa tribal grouping3920.005%
Navajo tribal grouping3430.004%
Sioux tribal grouping4440.005%
Asian Population520,1196.22%
Asian Indian131,1991.57%
Other Asian Population96,843
Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander5,4690.07%
Native Hawaiian1,4360.017%
Guamanian or Chamorro2,0110.024%
Other Pacific Islander898
Some other race200,265
Hispanic or Latino749,4588.96%
Puerto Rican96,6041.15%
Other Hispanic or Latino459,895

Source: US Census 2017(Table B03002)

Top Cities of Virginia

1Virginia Beach450,189
5Newport News178,626
13Leesburg town53,917

Population Pyramid

Source: 2021 US Census Estimates: Population In Five Year Age-Group

Virginia Population by Age

According to 2019 US population estimates, The sex ratio of Virginia is 968, Population of Virginia by age is 8,365,952, out of these 4,113,988 are male, 4,251,964 are female. The Virginia population by age are, under 15 years is 1,551,624, 15 years and over is 6,814,328, 30 years and over is 5,095,337, 65 years and over is 1,187,867 and 85 years and over is 140,714. 49.18 percent are male, 50.82 percent are female, 18.55 percent are under 15 years old, 81.45 percent are 15 years and over, 60.91 percent are 30 years and over, 14.20 percent are 65 years and over, 1.68 percent are 85 years and over.

Languages spoken in VA

English is the Official language in Virginia, the people who speak their native langages at home are English by 84.2%, 6.9% speak Spanish.
3.7% Speak Asian Languages, out of these 26,218 speak Hindi, 10,085 speak Gujarati, 32,266 speak Urdu, 8,496 speak Punjabi, 14,121 speak Bengali, 17,355 speak Nepali/Marathi, 20,356 speak Telugu, 10,319 speak Tamil, 5,619 speak Malayalam/Kannada. Regarding East and Mid Asia 59,595 speak Chinese Mandarin/Cantonese, 10,269 speak Japanese, 56,852 speak Korean, 30,036 speak Hmong, 49,744 speak Vietnamese, 6,385 speak Khmer, 10,251 speak Thai/Lao/Tai-Kadai, Tagalog 45,823, Ilocano/Samoan/Hawaiian 5,230. Middle-east regional speakers are Arabic 50,869, Hebrew 1,585. African Region speakers are Amharic/Somali 37,476, Yoruba/Twi/Igbo 22,271, Swahili are 5,164, Navajo are 76.
People speaking european languages, 31,851 are French, 5,781 are French, 9,011 are Italian, 9,054 are Portuguese, 26,706 are German, 4,510 are Yiddish, Pennsylvaia Dutch, 6,023 are Greek, 17,400 are Russian, 3,540 are Polish, 5,192 speak Serbo-Croatian, 5,358 are Ukranian, 1045 are Armenian.
Speak only English6,613,66284.19
Spanish Language544,4556.93
European Language279,6343.56
Asian Languages293,3543.73
Other Languages124,9251.59
Source: US Census 2017(Table S1601)

Virginia Education

Below is the table listed on different education levels of Virginia state.

Population 18 to 24 years818,913422,090396,823
Less than high school graduate84,41048,71235,698
High school graduate (includes equivalency)251,402143,165108,237
Some college or associates degree380,219186,124194,095
Bachelors degree or higher102,88244,08958,793
Population 25 years and over5,680,7652,739,3042,941,461
Less than 9th grade254,900131,801123,099
9th to 12th grade, no diploma369,037191,619177,418
High school graduate (includes equivalency)1,378,738688,627690,111
Some college, no degree1,117,556521,958595,598
Associates degree427,037175,732251,305
Bachelors degree1,220,919569,614651,305
Graduate or professional degree912,578459,953452,625
High school graduate or higher3,450,9471,662,3181,788,629
Bachelors degree or higher1,533,492754,778778,714
Black or African1,044,114485,909558,205
High school graduate or higher886,144405,768480,376
Bachelors degree or higher243,159101,821141,338
American Indian or Alaska Native alone15,9667,9468,020
High school graduate or higher13,6686,5457,123
Bachelors degree or higher4,0201,8462,174
High school graduate or higher322,676150,454172,222
Bachelors degree or higher214,460104,962109,498
Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander3,4841,5141,970
High school graduate or higher3,1541,3821,772
Bachelors degree or higher984553431
Hispanic or Latino Origin420,490217,379203,111
High school graduate or higher301,496151,513149,983
Bachelors degree or higher99,95548,12451,831
Source: US Census 2017(Table S1501)


Disabled population list of Virginia state as per the table below:

Total civilian non-institutionalized population936,175
Black or African American204,791
American Indian and Alaska Native alone3,694
Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander545
Some other race8,995
With a hearing difficulty256,905
With a vision difficulty169,382
With a cognitive difficulty345,793
With an ambulatory difficulty481,407
With a self-care difficulty183,267
With an independent living difficulty325,645

Counties of Virginia

Virginia state is divided into 95 Counties along with 41 cities. Fairfax is the largest county with 1,150,795, followed by Prince William County with 468,011 and Virginia Beach city with 450,189.

CountyPopulation 2017Population 2018% ChangeRank 2017Rank 2018
Accomack County32,56632,412-0.55353
Albemarle County107,788108,7180.91616
Alleghany County15,11914,910-1.49797
Amelia County12,96513,0130.4105104
Amherst County31,86331,666-0.65454
Appomattox County15,70115,8410.99493
Arlington County235,121237,521199
Augusta County75,08275,4570.52828
Bath County4,2854,2920.2131131
Bedford County78,23978,7470.62626
Bland County6,3516,293-0.9126126
Botetourt County33,23633,2770.15252
Brunswick County16,61616,384-1.49292
Buchanan County21,50021,221-1.38080
Buckingham County17,02716,999-0.28788
Campbell County55,08654,973-0.23333
Caroline County30,43330,7721.15856
Carroll County29,74729,636-0.45959
Charles City County7,0006,941-0.8122123
Charlotte County12,08211,938-1.2108109
Chesterfield County343,163348,5561.655
Clarke County14,44914,5230.5102101
Craig County5,0655,0640130130
Culpeper County51,26751,8591.23636
Cumberland County9,8139,8090116116
Dickenson County14,72114,523-1.3100101
Dinwiddie County28,45928,5290.26363
Essex County11,01110,919-0.8113113
Fairfax County1,146,8831,150,7950.311
Fauquier County69,52870,6751.62929
Floyd County15,78515,7950.19394
Fluvanna County26,41726,7831.46665
Franklin County56,32656,195-0.23232
Frederick County86,49988,3552.12323
Giles County16,77116,8440.48890
Gloucester County37,30937,3490.14646
Goochland County22,69123,2442.47473
Grayson County15,67715,631-0.39595
Greene County19,64819,7790.78181
Greensville County11,71611,627-0.8111111
Halifax County34,53234,120-1.25050
Hanover County105,850107,2391.31717
Henrico County327,148329,2610.666
Henry County51,25050,953-0.63737
Highland County2,2172,210-0.3133133
Isle of Wight County36,57136,95314747
James City County75,45976,3971.22727
King and Queen County7,0007,0420.6122122
King George County26,30226,57516767
King William County16,70516,9391.48989
Lancaster County10,77910,7830114114
Lee County23,79523,541-1.17172
Loudoun County396,995406,8502.544
Louisa County35,88536,7782.54948
Lunenburg County12,23112,086-1.2107108
Madison County13,24513,2950.4103103
Mathews County8,7318,8020.8118118
Mecklenburg County30,71230,650-0.25757
Middlesex County10,64310,7691.2115115
Montgomery County98,28398,9850.71919
Nelson County14,80414,8360.29999
New Kent County21,69822,3913.27978
Northampton County11,88711,735-1.3110110
Northumberland County12,27712,147-1.1106107
Nottoway County15,46715,420-0.39696
Orange County35,93136,64424849
Page County23,75523,9330.77271
Patrick County17,70817,673-0.28485
Pittsylvania County61,34160,949-0.63131
Powhatan County28,69129,1891.76160
Prince Edward County22,70822,9501.17374
Prince George County37,89538,0820.54544
Prince William County463,551468,011122
Pulaski County34,19434,066-0.45151
Rappahannock County7,3337,252-1.1120120
Richmond County8,9259,0381.3117117
Roanoke County93,76394,0730.32121
Rockbridge County22,60922,7520.67575
Rockingham County80,31381,2441.22525
Russell County27,02726,748-16566
Scott County21,76721,534-1.17879
Shenandoah County43,27143,4970.53939
Smyth County30,72230,472-0.85658
Southampton County17,74317,586-0.98286
Spotsylvania County132,802134,2381.11515
Stafford County146,790149,9602.21313
Surry County6,5226,474-0.7124124
Sussex County11,38011,237-1.3112112
Tazewell County41,14640,855-0.74141
Warren County39,35740,0031.64343
Washington County54,41554,40203434
Westmoreland County17,73617,8300.58384
Wise County38,61138,012-1.64445
Wythe County28,87228,754-0.46062
York County67,87867,84603030
Alexandria city159,654160,5300.51212
Bristol city16,65016,482-19191
Buena Vista city6,3136,237-1.2127127
Charlottesville city47,90248,1170.43838
Chesapeake city240,327242,634188
Colonial Heights city17,67617,8330.98583
Covington city5,4745,460-0.3128128
Danville city41,02240,693-0.84242
Emporia city5,2925,121-3.2129129
Fairfax city24,16224,5741.77070
Falls Church city14,48914,7722101100
Franklin city8,1258,013-1.4119119
Fredericksburg city28,51629,1442.26261
Galax city6,4876,423-1125125
Hampton city134,581134,313-0.21414
Harrisonburg city53,90754,0330.23535
Hopewell city22,55422,5960.27677
Lexington city7,0827,1360.8121121
Lynchburg city81,06582,1261.32424
Manassas city41,50141,6410.34040
Manassas Park city16,68617,3073.79087
Martinsville city12,96912,902-0.5104105
Newport News city179,398178,626-0.41111
Norfolk city244,922244,076-0.377
Norton city3,8923,9682132132
Petersburg city31,63531,567-0.25555
Poquoson city12,04312,1901.2109106
Portsmouth city94,69394,632-0.12020
Radford city17,65918,3393.98682
Richmond city226,968228,7830.81010
Roanoke city99,43699,9200.51818
Salem city25,66225,643-0.16868
Staunton city24,56624,9221.46969
Suffolk city90,27591,18512222
Virginia Beach city449,962450,1890.133
Waynesboro city22,33622,6281.37776
Williamsburg city14,88914,89609898
Winchester city28,21028,108-0.46464


1. Census Fact finder
2. Historical Population of States from 1790 to 1990

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