New South Wales Population 2025
New South Wales (abbreviated as NSW) is a southeastern state of Australia, distinguished by its coastal cities and national parks. It borders Victoria to the south, Queensland to the north, and South Australia to the west, the Coral and Tasman Seas to the east. New South Wales population in 2025 is estimated to be 8.34 million. The median age of persons is 38. Sydney is the capital city of New South Wales, about 5.3 million people, two-thirds of the NSW population live in the Greater Sydney area. The state is divided into four areas. New South Wales's three largest cities, Sydney, Newcastle and Wollongong. Coal related products are the biggest export, New South Wales has undergone an increasingly rapid economic and social transformation.
Religions in New South Wales
According to 2016 stats, 4.1 million follows Christianity, 1.8 million relates to no Religion, 267,659 follows Islam, 207,956 follows Buddhism, 181,402 follows Hinduism and 31,737 follows Sikhism.
Religion | Persons |
Buddhism | 207,956 |
Christianity: | |
Anglican | 1,161,810 |
Assyrian Apostolic | 10,964 |
Baptist | 94,647 |
Brethren | 6,533 |
Catholic | 1,846,443 |
Churches of Christ | 6,623 |
Eastern Orthodox | 188,442 |
Jehovah's Witnesses | 22,723 |
Latter-day Saints | 16,430 |
Lutheran | 20,450 |
Oriental Orthodox | 26,805 |
Other Protestant | 32,412 |
Pentecostal | 77,402 |
Presbyterian and Reformed | 188,330 |
Salvation Army | 15,219 |
Seventh-day Adventist | 22,659 |
Uniting Church | 217,258 |
Christianity, nfd | 165,351 |
Other Christian | 7,034 |
Total | 4,127,539 |
Hinduism | 181,402 |
Islam | 267,659 |
Judaism | 36,901 |
Other Religions: | |
Australian Aboriginal Traditional Religions | 1,557 |
Sikhism | 31,737 |
Other Religious Groups | 30,387 |
Total | 63,671 |
Secular Beliefs and Other Spiritual Beliefs and No Religious Affiliation: | |
No Religion, so described | 1,879,562 |
Secular Beliefs | 19,272 |
Other Spiritual Beliefs | 11,291 |
Total | 1,910,122 |
Religious affiliation not stated | 684,969 |
Total | 7,480,228 |
Ethnic groups in New South Wales
The table below indicates the Indigenous people status in 2016:
Age Group | Aboriginal/Torres Strait Islander | Non-Indigenous | Indigenous status not stated | Total |
0-4 years | 24,956 | 415,908 | 24,267 | 465,135 |
5-9 years | 25,354 | 428,993 | 23,840 | 478,184 |
10-14 years | 23,961 | 397,416 | 21,637 | 443,009 |
15-19 years | 22,377 | 402,981 | 23,065 | 448,425 |
20-24 years | 18,950 | 440,844 | 29,878 | 489,673 |
25-29 years | 15,146 | 477,136 | 34,881 | 527,161 |
30-34 years | 12,623 | 494,168 | 33,573 | 540,360 |
35-39 years | 10,966 | 460,035 | 28,717 | 499,724 |
40-44 years | 11,918 | 463,352 | 27,897 | 503,169 |
45-49 years | 11,793 | 453,109 | 27,539 | 492,440 |
50-54 years | 10,628 | 447,290 | 27,626 | 485,546 |
55-59 years | 9,067 | 433,458 | 27,198 | 469,726 |
60-64 years | 6,866 | 388,290 | 24,890 | 420,044 |
65 years and over | 11,576 | 1,123,322 | 82,741 | 1,217,641 |
Total | 216,176 | 6,826,286 | 437,762 | 7,480,228 |
Country of Birth | Persons |
Australian | 2,261,062 |
Australian Aboriginal | 30,849 |
Chinese | 514,594 |
Croatian | 45,305 |
Dutch | 78,231 |
English | 2,302,481 |
Filipino | 117,356 |
French | 44,335 |
German | 236,146 |
Greek | 132,829 |
Hungarian | 24,670 |
Indian | 211,927 |
Irish | 741,671 |
Italian | 272,124 |
Korean | 66,613 |
Lebanese | 166,591 |
Macedonian | 39,630 |
Maltese | 69,490 |
Maori | 33,159 |
New Zealander | 54,623 |
Polish | 52,554 |
Russian | 31,663 |
Scottish | 587,052 |
Serbian | 28,657 |
South African | 33,358 |
Spanish | 48,614 |
Sri Lankan | 26,239 |
Turkish | 27,502 |
Vietnamese | 109,588 |
Welsh | 42,611 |
Other | 908,989 |
Ancestry not stated | 510,541 |
Total persons | 7,480,228 |
Country of Birth | Persons |
Afghanistan | 13,032 |
Australia | 4,899,202 |
Bangladesh | 24,217 |
Bosnia and Herzegovina | 7,095 |
Cambodia | 12,439 |
Canada | 13,290 |
Chile | 13,058 |
China (excludes SARs and Taiwan) | 234,508 |
Croatia | 15,638 |
Egypt | 19,724 |
England | 226,564 |
Fiji | 33,879 |
France | 11,540 |
Germany | 29,541 |
Greece | 29,481 |
Hong Kong (SAR of China) | 42,347 |
India | 143,459 |
Indonesia | 31,774 |
Iran | 23,048 |
Iraq | 40,271 |
Ireland | 24,038 |
Italy | 49,476 |
Japan | 14,008 |
Korea, Republic of (South) | 51,816 |
Lebanon | 57,381 |
Malaysia | 31,655 |
Malta | 14,481 |
Mauritius | 5,731 |
Myanmar | 7,128 |
Nepal | 32,117 |
Netherlands | 16,900 |
New Zealand | 117,136 |
Northern Ireland | 5,972 |
Pakistan | 24,524 |
Papua New Guinea | 5,466 |
Philippines | 86,749 |
Poland | 13,451 |
Scotland | 28,579 |
Singapore | 12,730 |
South Africa | 43,058 |
South Eastern Europe | 7,957 |
Sri Lanka | 28,732 |
Taiwan | 13,493 |
Thailand | 26,719 |
The Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia | 16,501 |
Turkey | 12,808 |
United States of America | 30,081 |
Vietnam | 84,130 |
Wales | 7,256 |
Zimbabwe | 6,495 |
Born elsewhere | 230,985 |
Country of Birth Not stated | 508,571 |
Total | 7,480,228 |
Country of Birth | Before 1946 | 1946-1955 | 1956-1965 | 1966-1975 | 1976-1985 | 1986-1995 | 1996-2005 | 2006-2010 | 2011-2016 | Not stated | Total |
Canada | 35 | 115 | 488 | 1,576 | 1,432 | 1,664 | 2,685 | 1,879 | 2,986 | 423 | 13,290 |
China (excludes SARs and Taiwan)(d) | 204 | 976 | 2,149 | 1,702 | 6,284 | 38,093 | 55,150 | 46,433 | 73,445 | 10,071 | 234,508 |
Croatia | 27 | 347 | 3,333 | 6,687 | 627 | 1,496 | 2,193 | 142 | 257 | 536 | 15,638 |
Egypt | 18 | 1,221 | 2,304 | 3,828 | 1,191 | 3,654 | 2,323 | 1,946 | 2,551 | 689 | 19,724 |
Fiji | 65 | 130 | 411 | 1,200 | 3,661 | 11,211 | 9,096 | 3,720 | 3,328 | 1,052 | 33,879 |
Germany | 191 | 7,605 | 5,266 | 3,184 | 2,292 | 1,923 | 3,033 | 2,127 | 2,828 | 1,087 | 29,541 |
Greece | 105 | 2,824 | 12,595 | 8,472 | 1,215 | 727 | 567 | 281 | 1,342 | 1,354 | 29,481 |
Hong Kong (SAR of China)(d) | 89 | 153 | 622 | 2,124 | 6,997 | 15,255 | 7,606 | 2,986 | 5,376 | 1,142 | 42,347 |
India | 56 | 535 | 670 | 4,065 | 3,400 | 11,614 | 27,485 | 40,158 | 51,423 | 4,047 | 143,459 |
Indonesia | 32 | 338 | 395 | 936 | 2,680 | 4,675 | 9,229 | 5,116 | 7,534 | 845 | 31,774 |
Iran | 6 | 25 | 54 | 791 | 1,863 | 3,756 | 3,878 | 3,667 | 8,425 | 582 | 23,048 |
Iraq | 8 | 14 | 99 | 1,164 | 1,259 | 4,645 | 11,979 | 7,958 | 12,272 | 871 | 40,271 |
Ireland | 61 | 386 | 1,203 | 3,324 | 1,613 | 3,331 | 3,571 | 3,934 | 5,957 | 664 | 24,038 |
Italy | 416 | 9,122 | 17,504 | 10,728 | 1,754 | 912 | 1,198 | 1,191 | 4,144 | 2,498 | 49,476 |
Japan | 12 | 118 | 145 | 356 | 813 | 2,383 | 3,675 | 1,935 | 3,816 | 757 | 14,008 |
Korea, Republic of (South) | 3 | 7 | 26 | 429 | 3,725 | 8,881 | 14,141 | 10,310 | 12,138 | 2,157 | 51,816 |
Lebanon | 60 | 820 | 2,600 | 13,435 | 10,989 | 11,882 | 7,899 | 3,699 | 3,550 | 2,445 | 57,381 |
Malaysia | 62 | 91 | 893 | 2,653 | 5,223 | 6,975 | 4,921 | 3,649 | 6,123 | 1,071 | 31,655 |
Malta | 51 | 4,803 | 5,003 | 2,458 | 912 | 315 | 143 | 114 | 65 | 613 | 14,481 |
Netherlands | 46 | 5,277 | 4,160 | 1,559 | 1,204 | 661 | 1,223 | 819 | 1,361 | 605 | 16,900 |
New Zealand | 472 | 840 | 3,024 | 9,943 | 19,822 | 20,104 | 27,369 | 13,356 | 17,048 | 5,176 | 117,136 |
Pakistan | 0 | 24 | 42 | 273 | 700 | 2,361 | 4,546 | 4,488 | 11,495 | 610 | 24,524 |
Philippines | 10 | 20 | 205 | 1,933 | 9,003 | 25,635 | 16,000 | 13,065 | 18,460 | 2,420 | 86,749 |
Poland | 67 | 1,345 | 1,077 | 669 | 3,852 | 2,586 | 1,327 | 817 | 1,262 | 446 | 13,451 |
Singapore | 51 | 79 | 393 | 1,085 | 1,550 | 1,929 | 2,642 | 1,797 | 2,827 | 375 | 12,730 |
South Africa | 33 | 127 | 736 | 1,951 | 5,788 | 6,909 | 13,000 | 7,444 | 6,225 | 841 | 43,058 |
Sri Lanka | 24 | 64 | 350 | 1,246 | 1,816 | 7,144 | 6,423 | 4,981 | 6,006 | 683 | 28,732 |
Thailand | 3 | 4 | 50 | 283 | 1,376 | 3,180 | 5,648 | 5,629 | 8,980 | 1,566 | 26,719 |
The Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia | 20 | 87 | 1,412 | 8,259 | 1,594 | 2,260 | 1,303 | 476 | 504 | 579 | 16,501 |
Turkey | 9 | 20 | 80 | 3,835 | 1,953 | 2,377 | 2,099 | 938 | 1,063 | 431 | 12,808 |
United Kingdom, Channel Islands and Isle of Man | 1,615 | 18,022 | 39,374 | 61,684 | 27,848 | 24,941 | 33,374 | 24,686 | 30,189 | 9,154 | 270,877 |
United States of America | 48 | 264 | 728 | 2,853 | 2,454 | 3,499 | 5,795 | 4,634 | 8,769 | 1,039 | 30,081 |
Vietnam | 3 | 24 | 56 | 787 | 26,393 | 23,470 | 10,064 | 8,188 | 11,898 | 3,250 | 84,130 |
Zimbabwe | 3 | 9 | 117 | 167 | 660 | 530 | 2,090 | 1,626 | 1,181 | 112 | 6,495 |
Born elsewhere | 664 | 8,104 | 13,548 | 43,059 | 37,282 | 55,663 | 65,275 | 54,683 | 89,927 | 13,530 | 381,747 |
Total | 4,578 | 63,973 | 121,133 | 208,700 | 201,234 | 316,631 | 368,940 | 288,842 | 424,732 | 73,696 | 2,072,454 |
Primary and secondary schools include government and non-government schools. Schooling is compulsory from before 6 years old until the age of 17. The NSW school system comprises a kindergarten to year 12 system with primary schooling up to year 6 and secondary schooling between years 7 and 12. Age of persons attending an educational institution
Age Group | Persons |
0-4 years | 110,173 |
5-14 years | 845,609 |
15-19 years | 344,260 |
20-24 years | 202,511 |
25 years and over | 287,420 |
Age Group | Persons |
Year 12 or equivalent | 3,176,693 |
Year 11 or equivalent | 354,297 |
Year 10 or equivalent | 1,316,143 |
Year 9 or equivalent | 382,919 |
Year 8 or below | 281,617 |
Did not go to school | 61,561 |
Languages in New South Wales
According to 2016 stats, Language spoken at home are 5.1 million speaks English, 401,448 speaks Chinese language, 236,833 speaks Indian languages, 200,825 people speak Arabic language, 102,896 speak Vietnamese, 24,214 speaks Filipino.
Language spoken at home | Persons |
Speaks English only | 5,126,633 |
Afrikaans | 7,735 |
Arabic | 200,825 |
Australian Indigenous Languages | 1,922 |
Chinese languages: | |
Cantonese | 143,333 |
Mandarin | 239,945 |
Other | 18,169 |
Total | 401,448 |
Croatian | 21,156 |
Dutch | 8,686 |
French | 23,743 |
German | 23,033 |
Greek | 81,683 |
Indo-Aryan languages: | |
Bengali | 31,687 |
Hindi | 67,034 |
Punjabi | 33,435 |
Sinhalese | 11,234 |
Urdu | 29,722 |
Other | 63,725 |
Total | 236,833 |
Italian | 75,694 |
Japanese | 17,319 |
Korean | 59,912 |
Macedonian | 28,144 |
Maltese | 12,327 |
Persian (excluding Dari) | 22,044 |
Polish | 14,124 |
Russian | 18,763 |
Samoan | 16,544 |
Serbian | 21,488 |
Southeast Asian Austronesian languages: | |
Filipino | 24,214 |
Indonesian | 30,032 |
Tagalog | 45,130 |
Other | 5,932 |
Total | 105,310 |
Spanish | 63,527 |
Tamil | 29,681 |
Thai | 24,839 |
Turkish | 21,620 |
Vietnamese | 102,896 |
Other | 240,711 |
Total | 1,882,015 |
Language spoken at home not stated | 471,576 |
Total | 7,480,228 |
New South Wales population in 2023 is estimated to be 8.18 million. population in 2022 is estimated to be 8.15 million,Population of New South Wales in 2021 is estimated to be 8.11 million. The below table structure shows the population by age group:
AgeGroup | Males | Females | Persons |
Total persons | 3,686,014 | 3,794,217 | 7,480,228 |
Age groups: | |||
0-4 years | 238,859 | 226,279 | 465,135 |
5-14 years | 473,094 | 448,106 | 921,195 |
15-19 years | 230,103 | 218,321 | 448,425 |
20-24 years | 248,490 | 241,181 | 489,673 |
25-34 years | 526,560 | 540,962 | 1,067,524 |
35-44 years | 494,264 | 508,625 | 1,002,886 |
45-54 years | 478,458 | 499,528 | 977,984 |
55-64 years | 433,059 | 456,703 | 889,763 |
65-74 years | 330,471 | 346,555 | 677,020 |
75-84 years | 170,912 | 202,200 | 373,115 |
85 years and over | 61,753 | 105,755 | 167,506 |
Age Group | Married | Separated | Divorced | Widowed | Never married | Total |
15-19 years | 1,658 | 184 | 215 | 172 | 446,193 | 448,425 |
20-24 years | 28,028 | 1,614 | 837 | 347 | 458,849 | 489,673 |
25-34 years | 436,299 | 20,855 | 21,508 | 1,390 | 587,479 | 1,067,524 |
35-44 years | 630,290 | 41,193 | 68,804 | 4,097 | 258,506 | 1,002,886 |
45-54 years | 608,819 | 50,329 | 129,904 | 13,094 | 175,836 | 977,984 |
55-64 years | 565,425 | 41,871 | 146,732 | 34,793 | 100,941 | 889,763 |
65-74 years | 436,665 | 24,659 | 100,972 | 71,971 | 42,748 | 677,020 |
75-84 years | 206,733 | 7,887 | 34,966 | 106,598 | 16,930 | 373,115 |
85 years and over | 51,374 | 1,606 | 8,361 | 99,192 | 6,972 | 167,506 |
Total | 2,965,285 | 190,199 | 512,297 | 331,655 | 2,094,457 | 6,093,895 |
Subdivisions of New South Wales
The metropolis of Sydney in New South Wales, Australia, is informally subdivided into a number of geographic regions. These areas sometimes, but not always, roughly coincide with official boundaries of suburbs, local government authorities.
Central City District: including the northwestern local government areas of Blacktown, Cumberland, Parramatta and the Hills Shire.
Eastern City District: including the eastern, central and inner western local government areas of Bayside, Burwood, Canada Bay, City of Sydney, Inner West, Randwick, Strathfield, Waverley and Woollahra.
North District: including the northeastern local government areas of Hornsby, Hunter's Hill, Ku-ring-gai, Lane Cove, Mosman, North Sydney, Northern Beaches, Ryde and Willoughby.
South District: including the southern local government areas of Canterbury-Bankstown, Georges River and Sutherland.
Western City District: including the western local government areas of Blue Mountains, Camden, Campbelltown, Fairfield, Hawkesbury, Liverpool, Penrith and Wollondilly.
Area | Type | Area Sq Km | Natural Increase | Net Overseas Migration | 2020 Estimated Resident Population |
Albury | City | 305.9 | 201 | 175 | 55,055 |
Armidale Regional | Shire | 8620.7 | 128 | 228 | 29,704 |
Ballina | Shire | 484.9 | -81 | 122 | 45,217 |
Balranald | Shire | 21690.7 | 10 | 4 | 2,306 |
Bathurst Regional | Shire | 3817.9 | 150 | 102 | 43,996 |
Bega Valley | Shire | 6278.9 | -45 | 49 | 34,727 |
Bellingen | Shire | 1600.4 | -46 | 26 | 13,141 |
Berrigan | Shire | 2065.8 | 2 | 24 | 8,784 |
Bland | Shire | 8557.7 | 10 | 5 | 5,937 |
Blayney | Shire | 1524.6 | 21 | 7 | 7,382 |
Blue Mountains | City | 1431.1 | 183 | 253 | 79,195 |
Bogan | Shire | 14599.9 | 16 | 4 | 2,529 |
Bourke | Shire | 41599.5 | 27 | 2 | 2,625 |
Brewarrina | Shire | 19163.5 | -2 | 1 | 1,553 |
Broken Hill | City | 170.1 | -52 | 24 | 17,269 |
Byron | Shire | 565.8 | 134 | 219 | 35,773 |
Cabonne | Shire | 6022.3 | 15 | 14 | 13,677 |
Carrathool | Shire | 18934.5 | 32 | 9 | 2,796 |
Central Coast (NSW) | City | 1681.1 | 656 | 891 | 345,809 |
Central Darling | Shire | 53492.2 | 4 | 7 | 1,829 |
Cessnock | City | 1965.2 | 399 | 53 | 61,256 |
Clarence Valley | Shire | 10428.7 | -77 | 70 | 51,730 |
Cobar | Shire | 45579.3 | 21 | 10 | 4,417 |
Coffs Harbour | City | 1173.7 | 136 | 326 | 77,648 |
Coolamon | Shire | 2430.9 | 10 | 2 | 4,291 |
Coonamble | Shire | 9916.1 | 8 | 2 | 3,907 |
Cootamundra-Gundagai Regional | Shire | 3981.4 | 6 | 11 | 11,225 |
Cowra | Shire | 2808.8 | -45 | 11 | 12,730 |
Dubbo Regional | Shire | 7534.5 | 352 | 148 | 54,044 |
Dungog | Shire | 2250.0 | 32 | 3 | 9,664 |
Edward River | Shire | 8883.4 | 3 | 19 | 9,083 |
Eurobodalla | Shire | 3428.2 | -199 | 63 | 38,952 |
Federation | Shire | 5685.0 | -42 | 18 | 12,598 |
Forbes | Shire | 4710.1 | 13 | 9 | 9,920 |
Gilgandra | Shire | 4831.5 | 15 | 10 | 4,229 |
Glen Innes Severn | Shire | 5480.0 | -22 | 8 | 8,873 |
Goulburn Mulwaree | Shire | 3220.1 | 60 | 88 | 31,554 |
Greater Hume Shire | Shire | 5749.5 | 0 | 11 | 10,841 |
Griffith | City | 1639.2 | 159 | 199 | 27,155 |
Gunnedah | Shire | 4987.0 | 95 | 21 | 12,690 |
Gwydir | Shire | 9259.7 | -19 | 2 | 5,299 |
Hay | Shire | 11325.9 | 7 | 9 | 2,943 |
Hilltops | Shire | 7140.9 | 60 | 26 | 18,617 |
Inverell | Shire | 8597.2 | 58 | 30 | 17,780 |
Junee | Shire | 2030.0 | 18 | 28 | 6,676 |
Kempsey | Shire | 3375.7 | 36 | 52 | 29,921 |
Kiama | Shire | 257.7 | 23 | 65 | 23,685 |
Kyogle | Shire | 3584.2 | 2 | 9 | 8,788 |
Lachlan | Shire | 14964.3 | 45 | 3 | 6,089 |
Lake Macquarie | City | 648.6 | 375 | 380 | 207,775 |
Leeton | Shire | 1167.2 | 38 | 24 | 11,343 |
Lismore | City | 1287.7 | 81 | 91 | 43,667 |
Lithgow | City | 4512.3 | -30 | 27 | 21,516 |
Liverpool Plains | Shire | 5082.2 | 23 | 5 | 7,853 |
Lockhart | Shire | 2895.8 | 3 | 3 | 3,259 |
Maitland | City | 391.5 | 624 | 141 | 87,395 |
Mid-Coast | Shire | 10053.9 | -398 | 129 | 94,395 |
Mid-Western Regional | Shire | 8752.3 | 68 | 38 | 25,367 |
Moree Plains | Shire | 17906.5 | 101 | 18 | 13,077 |
Murray River | Shire | 11863.5 | 3 | 25 | 12,330 |
Murrumbidgee | Shire | 6880.8 | 17 | 11 | 3,916 |
Muswellbrook | Shire | 3404.9 | 121 | 40 | 16,355 |
Nambucca Valley | Shire | 1491.3 | -40 | 23 | 19,861 |
Narrabri | Shire | 13015.0 | 38 | 15 | 13,049 |
Narrandera | Shire | 4116.3 | -6 | 17 | 5,858 |
Narromine | Shire | 5261.5 | 21 | 8 | 6,460 |
Newcastle | City | 186.8 | 385 | 1,198 | 167,363 |
Oberon | Shire | 3625.0 | 13 | 9 | 5,419 |
Orange | City | 284.2 | 182 | 118 | 42,503 |
Parkes | Shire | 5957.6 | 25 | 21 | 14,728 |
Port Macquarie-Hastings | Shire | 3682.4 | -192 | 168 | 85,952 |
Port Stephens | Shire | 858.4 | 56 | 148 | 74,506 |
Queanbeyan-Palerang Regional | Shire | 5318.9 | 556 | 266 | 62,239 |
Richmond Valley | Shire | 3047.4 | 40 | 32 | 23,490 |
Shellharbour | City | 147.4 | 246 | 149 | 74,622 |
Shoalhaven | City | 4566.7 | -105 | 232 | 107,191 |
Singleton | Shire | 4892.7 | 160 | 43 | 23,380 |
Snowy Monaro Regional | Shire | 15163.5 | 64 | 78 | 20,997 |
Snowy Valleys | Shire | 8959.0 | 5 | 27 | 14,412 |
Tamworth Regional | Shire | 9884.4 | 232 | 225 | 62,545 |
Temora | Shire | 2802.0 | -4 | 6 | 6,274 |
Tenterfield | Shire | 7322.8 | -34 | 6 | 6,470 |
Tweed | Shire | 1307.7 | -58 | 279 | 98,382 |
Upper Hunter Shire | Shire | 8096.1 | 12 | 30 | 14,167 |
Upper Lachlan Shire | Shire | 7127.4 | 15 | 9 | 8,274 |
Uralla | Shire | 3226.5 | -2 | 7 | 5,944 |
Wagga Wagga | City | 4824.5 | 484 | 222 | 65,770 |
Walcha | Shire | 6261.0 | 0 | 3 | 3,105 |
Walgett | Shire | 22308.4 | 35 | 6 | 5,828 |
Warren | Shire | 10753.8 | 13 | 5 | 2,716 |
Warrumbungle Shire | Shire | 12372.1 | -22 | 11 | 9,209 |
Weddin | Shire | 3414.9 | -13 | 6 | 3,596 |
Wentworth | Shire | 26256.2 | 34 | 6 | 7,090 |
Wingecarribee | Shire | 2689.3 | -58 | 169 | 51,760 |
Wollondilly | Shire | 2555.4 | 431 | 73 | 54,005 |
Wollongong | City | 684.0 | 747 | 1,409 | 219,798 |
Yass Valley | Shire | 3995.3 | 67 | 32 | 17,321 |
Unincorporated NSW | Unincorporated | 93214.2 | 3 | 2 | 961 |
City of Sydney | |||||
Bayside | Shire | 49.9 | 1,370 | 3,125 | 181,472 |
Blacktown | City | 240.0 | 4,374 | 2,905 | 382,831 |
Burwood | Shire | 7.1 | 116 | 960 | 40,866 |
Camden | Shire | 201.0 | 1,480 | 203 | 107,806 |
Campbelltown (NSW) | City | 311.9 | 1,861 | 901 | 174,078 |
Canada Bay | Shire | 19.9 | 576 | 810 | 96,550 |
Canterbury-Bankstown | Shire | 110.2 | 3,243 | 3,676 | 380,406 |
Cumberland | Shire | 71.6 | 2,771 | 3,600 | 242,674 |
Fairfield | City | 101.5 | 1,156 | 1,897 | 210,825 |
Georges River | Shire | 38.3 | 724 | 2,484 | 160,272 |
Hawkesbury | City | 2775.1 | 491 | 109 | 67,749 |
Hornsby | Shire | 455.0 | 417 | 1,134 | 152,419 |
Hunters Hill | Shire | 5.7 | -56 | 53 | 14,962 |
Inner West | Shire | 35.4 | 1,126 | 2,267 | 201,880 |
Ku-ring-gai | Shire | 85.4 | 82 | 835 | 127,603 |
Lane Cove | Shire | 10.5 | 352 | 292 | 40,534 |
Liverpool | City | 305.7 | 2,555 | 1,341 | 231,296 |
Mosman | Shire | 8.7 | 127 | 236 | 30,785 |
North Sydney | Shire | 10.5 | 732 | 706 | 75,094 |
Northern Beaches | Shire | 254.2 | 1,126 | 1,851 | 274,041 |
Parramatta | City | 83.8 | 2,387 | 4,572 | 260,296 |
Penrith | City | 404.7 | 2,126 | 690 | 216,282 |
Randwick | City | 36.3 | 702 | 2,699 | 156,619 |
Waverley | Shire | 9.4 | 661 | 841 | 74,276 |
Ryde | City | 40.5 | 788 | 1,822 | 133,224 |
Strathfield | Shire | 14.0 | 367 | 1,028 | 47,767 |
Sutherland Shire | Shire | 333.6 | 902 | 849 | 232,369 |
Sydney | City | 26.7 | 1,504 | 4,530 | 248,736 |
The Hills Shire | Shire | 386.2 | 1,081 | 1,058 | 183,791 |
Willoughby | City | 22.4 | 442 | 923 | 81,196 |
Woollahra | Shire | 12.3 | 257 | 468 | 59,431 |
Income Distribution
According to 2016 Australian Bureau stats, Weekly income for the people living in NSW state are 215,643 people earn more than $3,000, 321,562 earn between $2,000 to $2,999, 1.3 million people earn between $1,000 to $2,000, 1.38 people earn between $500 to $1000, 1.44 million people earn between $150 to $500 and 243,659 people earn between $1 to $149.
Income Weekly | Persons |
$1-$149 | 243,659 |
$150-$299 | 415,486 |
$300-$399 | 526,570 |
$400-$499 | 501,698 |
$500-$649 | 448,014 |
$650-$799 | 450,649 |
$800-$999 | 489,370 |
$1,000-$1,249 | 498,807 |
$1,250-$1,499 | 341,092 |
$1,500-$1,749 | 290,547 |
$1,750-$1,999 | 209,058 |
$2,000-$2,999 | 321,562 |
$3,000 or more | 215,643 |
Personal income not stated | 542,326 |
Negative/Nil income | 599,413 |
Total | 6,093,895 |
The original inhabitants of New South Wales were the Aboriginal tribes who believed to be living in Australia from 40,000 to 60,000 years ago. According to history of aboriginal-settlement,Indigenous Australians are Semi-nomadic in practice and have a deep history that making the Aboriginal culture one of the oldest in the world. There were estimates of 250,000 Aboriginal people by the time of European explorers that would become known as New South Wales forming nearly 70 different language groups and tribes. Aboriginal communities lived in harmony with the land consuming the naturally occurring flora and fauna to survive, with the highest population density concentrated on the east coast and along river ways. Clans lived by specific rules and rites which dictated all aspects of everyday life from marriage to what foods they could eat. Tribal warfare was common and before white settlement.
In 1770, The Captain Cook's discover of Australian east coast, the people of Indigenous life was altered forever. By the discovery of large land, Cook declared the land the property of Britain's King George III and considered a suitable place for British penal colony. In 1788 the First Fleet would arrive in Australia, setting up a fledgling colony that would be called New South Wales. This has been huge impact on the lives of Indigenous communities, diseases, dispossession from the land and massacres are the key reasons for reducing he indigenous population in New South Wales. Today Aboriginal Australians account for 2.1 to 2.2% of the New South Wales population and almost 30% of the total indigenous population of Australia. The greatest number of Aboriginal people live in west and south western suburbs of Sydney, the largest concentration of Indigenous communities are found in regional western New South Wales, accounting for just under 20% of the total population in the area. The reconciliation process between Indigenous Australians and those settlers who came following 1788 is a process that will continue in modern day Australia. The Colony of New South Wales was founded as a British penal colony in 1788. During the 19th century, most of the region was detached to form separate British colonies that became the various states and territories of Australia. It would not be until the year 1992, the landmark case of Eddy Mabo that Native Title claims would be formally recognised.