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> California

Anaheim Population 2025

Anaheim is a city in California State of United States, It is the located in Orange County, second-largest city by area, bordered on the south by Stanton, Garden Grove, and Orange and western border with Buena Park and Cypress. Anaheim population in 2025 is estimated to be 350,237, covering city area of 50.88 sq mi (131.77 sq km), ranks tenth-most populous city in California, and the fifty-fifth most populous city in the United States. It is part of the Los Angeles metropolitan area. Anaheim was founded by fifty German families in 1857, were the residents of San Francisco. Anaheim name is the formation of Ana, after the nearby Santa Ana River, and German -heim means home, meaning "home by the Santa Anna River".

Below is the Anaheim population by year:

YearPopulationChange %
2025351,5550.05 *
Source : Annual Estimates of the Resident Population: April 1, 2010 to July 1, 2019, 2020 US Census & 2021 estimates updated

Anaheim Population by Age

According to 2019 US population estimates, population of Anaheim by age is 350,351, out of these 173,279 are male, 177,072 are female, The sex ratio of Anaheim is 98. The median age of the Anaheim population is 35.2, Anaheim population by age are, under 18 years is 77,117, 16 years and over is 281,221, 18 years and over is 273,234, 21 years and over is 258,864, 65 years and over is 52,011. 49.5% are male, 50.5% are female, 22.0% are under 18 years old, 80.3% are 16 years and over, 78.0% are 18 years and over, 73.9% are 21 years and over, 11.8% are 65 years and over. There are total 110,647 housing units, The voting population of Anaheim are 209,654, out of these 99,684 are male voters, 109,970 are female voters, 47.5% are male, 52.5% are female. Anaheim population in 2023 is estimated to be 349,717, population in 2022 is estimated to be 348,919, and in 2021 is estimated to be 345,936.

Age GroupPopulationPercent
0 -521,5376.1%
5 - 922,9106.5%
10 - 1419,9865.7%
15 - 1920,8506.0%
20 - 2428,7448.2%
25 - 3459,96817.1%
35 - 4446,11713.2%
45 - 5446,94613.4%
55 - 5923,1436.6%
60 - 6418,8675.4%
65 - 7423,2706.6%
75 - 8412,4143.5%
85 and over5,5991.6%
Source: 2019 US population by age estimates

Anaheim Population by Race

According to 2019 population of Anaheim by race are:

White Population

White population in Anaheim, California are 228,882, percentage wise 65.3 percent are whites.

Black Population

Black population in Anaheim, California are 12,032, percentage wise 3.4 percent are blacks. African American refers to black population in Anaheim, They are Black racial groups of Africa, includes Sub-Saharan African people, Kenyan, Nigerian, Carribbean such as Haitian and Jamaican.

Asian Population

Asian population in Anaheim are 63,812, percentage wise 18.2 percent are asians, out of these 5,504 are Asian Indians, 8,278 are Chinese, 18,202 are Filipinos, 2,070 are Japanese, 5,933 are Korean, 18,430 are Vietnamese and 5,395 are other Asian nationals.

Hispanic Population

Hispanic population in Anaheim, California are 187,046. Percentage wise 53.4 percent are hispanics, out of these 169,727 are Mexican people, 1,524 are Puerto Ricans, 274 are Cubans, and 15,521 are other Hispanic or Latinos.

Population by Race350,351Percent
Black or African American12,0323.4%
American Indian and Alaska Native2,5450.7%
Asian Population63,81218.2%
Asian Indian5,5041.6%
Other Asian Population5,395
Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander2,3360.7%
Hispanic or Latino187,04653.4%
Puerto Rican1,5240.4%
Other Hispanic or Latino15,521
Source: US Census population estimates(2019)

Nativity by Place of Birth

Total Anaheim native population is 225,329, out of these 187,052 born in the California state and 31,275 born in other state in the United States. Foreign born or Population born outside the US are 125,022, out of these 58,849 are Naturalised US citizen, 1,375 are in Europe, 35,094 in Asia, 1,081 in Africa, 20,224 in Latin America and 563 in Northern America. Total Foreigners who are non US citizens living in Anaheim are 66,173, out of these 1,349 are from Europe, 12,680 are from Asia, 573 from Africa, 51,426 are from Latin America and 109 are from Northern America.

Nativity by Place of BirthPopulation
Born in state of residence187,052
Born in other state in the United States31,275
Born outside the United States7,002
Puerto Rico75
U.S. Island Areas285
Born abroad of American parent(s)6,642
Foreign born
Born outside of United States125,022
Naturalized U.S. citizen58,849
Latin America20,224
Northern America563
Not a U.S. citizen66,173
Latin America51,426
Northern America109
Source: US Census 2019 estimates

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