Kolkata Population 2025

Year | Kolkata Population |
1950 | 4,604,143 |
1955 | 5,219,086 |
1960 | 5,910,210 |
1965 | 6,589,384 |
1970 | 7,329,372 |
1975 | 8,165,629 |
1980 | 9,100,166 |
1985 | 10,003,665 |
1990 | 10,974,177 |
1995 | 11,992,194 |
2000 | 13,097,153 |
2005 | 13,595,152 |
2010 | 14,002,798 |
2011 | 14,085,783 |
2015 | 14,422,670 |
2020* | 14,850,066 |
2025* | 15,845,219 |
2035* | 19,564,170 |
Kolkata Population Ranking & Density
Kolkata City(2011) | Kolkata UA(2020) | |
Population | 4.5 million | 14.8 million |
Area | 205 sq km | 1887 sq km |
Rank | 3 (India) | 16 (World) |
Religion wise Kolkata Population
Kolkata population religion wise, being a cosmopolitan city it represents a blend of different religions in the eastern part of the country. Majority of the kolkata people inhabiting are Hindus. Muslims are in minority, other minority religions include Christians, Buddhist, Sikhs and Jains.
Source: 2011 Census: Language and Mother Tongue
Kolkata Language demographics
Major language spoken in Kolkata is Bengali, Hindi, Urdu, English, Maithili and Bhojpuri.
Disable population of Kolkata represented as per the table below.
Type of disability | Total Persons | Males | Females |
In Seeing | 84,289 | 44,589 | 39,700 |
In Hearing | 63,739 | 33,617 | 30,122 |
In Speech | 28,580 | 15,540 | 13,040 |
In Movement | 37,031 | 22,536 | 14,495 |
Mental Retardation | 22,406 | 12,554 | 9,852 |
Mental Illness | 9,954 | 5,726 | 4,228 |
Others | 77,714 | 42,732 | 34,982 |
Total disabled population | 342,319 | 187,359 | 154,960 |
Kolkata Population age wise
The gender ratio of Kolkata city is gradully improving over the period of last 70 years, 899 per 1000 males in 2011, compared to 893 in 2001, 858 in 1991, 819 in 1981, 751 in 1971, 701 in 1961, 660 in 1951. Kolkata population pyramid shows the gender difference between female and male. The population is more in the age group of 5-14 years and 40-49 years. The least population observed in the age group of 70-74, 75-79 and 80+ years. The population is stable in the age group of 20-40 years.
Kolkata History
As on 1897 San Francisco call, the Calcutta population in 1897 was estimated to be 771,144. The Calcutta city and its port were bombed several times by the Japanese between 1942 and 1944, during World War II. The partition of Bengal happened in 1905 along religious lines of Muslim and Hindu that led to mass protests, making Calcutta a less hospitable place for the British, due to the massive protests in Calcutta, The capital was moved to New Delhi in 1911. According to United Nations Population Fund 1988, Calcutta's 1980 population density was 31,779 persons per sq. km.
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