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> Nebraska

Lincoln Population 2025

Lincoln is the capital city of Nebraska State in the U.S, Renamed the city after President Abraham Lincoln. Lincoln population in 2025 is estimated to be 297,829, covers city area of 97.59 sq mi (252.75 sq km), It is the second-most populous city in Nebraska, and the sixty-eighth largest in the United States. Lincoln became Nebraska's state capital in 1869. The city was founded in 1856 as the village of Lancaster to become Lancaster County. Until 1970, Lincoln was refugee friendly city. Lincoln city is the part of the Lincoln Metropolitan and Lincoln-Beatrice Combined Statistical Areas.

Below is the Lincoln population by year:

YearPopulationChange %
2025299,3720.11 *
Source : Annual Estimates of the Resident Population: April 1, 2010 to July 1, 2019, 2020 US Census & 2021 estimates updated

Lincoln Metropolitan

Lincoln-Beatrice is the Combined Statistical Area(CSA) with estimated popualation in 2019 is 357,887, includes two counties of Lancaster and Seward.

Lincoln City(2021)Lincoln Metropolitan(2019)
Area97.59 sq mi (252.75 sq km)2,282.22 sq mi (5,910.95 sq km)
Source : CSA Maps, CSA

Lincoln Population by Age

According to 2019 US population estimates, Total Lincoln population is 289,096, out of these 145,111 are male, 143,985 are female, The sex ratio of Lincoln is 101. The median age of the Lincoln population is 33.5, Lincoln population by age are, under 18 years is 63,311, 16 years and over is 231,691, 18 years and over is 225,785, 21 years and over is 205,654, 65 years and over is 49,627. 50.2% are male, 49.8% are female, Population of Lincoln by age percent-wise is, 21.9% are under 18 years old, 80.1% are 16 years and over, 78.1% are 18 years and over, 71.1% are 21 years and over, 13.9% are 65 years and over. There are total 124,244 housing units, The voting population of Lincoln are 214,362, out of these 106,175 are male voters, 108,187 are female voters, 49.5% are male, 50.5% are female. Lincoln population in 2023 is estimated to be 297,218, population in 2022 is estimated to be 296,287, and in 2021 is estimated to be 292,648.

Age GroupPopulationPercent
0 -517,5446.1%
5 - 917,0195.9%
10 - 1419,6416.8%
15 - 1920,5097.1%
20 - 2435,63812.3%
25 - 3440,26113.9%
35 - 4437,03812.8%
45 - 5428,94510.0%
55 - 5915,6935.4%
60 - 6416,7645.8%
65 - 7423,7798.2%
75 - 8411,4334.0%
85 and over4,8321.7%
Source: 2019 US population by age estimates

Lincoln Population by Race

According to 2019 population of Lincoln by race are:

White Population

White population in Lincoln, Nebraska are 243,477, percentage wise 84.2 percent are whites.

Black Population

Black population in Lincoln, Nebraska are 12,702, percentage wise 4.4 percent are blacks. African American refers to black population in Lincoln, They are Black racial groups of Africa, includes Sub-Saharan African people, Kenyan, Nigerian, Carribbean such as Haitian and Jamaican.

Asian Population

Asian population in Lincoln are 14,383, percentage wise 5.0 percent are asians, out of these 1,149 are Asian Indians, 2,925 are Chinese, 143 are Filipinos, 618 are Japanese, 1,046 are Korean, 6,359 are Vietnamese and 2,143 are other Asian nationals.

Hispanic Population

Hispanic population in Lincoln, Nebraska are 23,298. Percentage wise 8.1 percent are hispanics, out of these 15,829 are Mexican people, 1,605 are Puerto Ricans, 1,215 are Cubans, and 4,649 are other Hispanic or Latinos.

Population by Race289,096Percent
Black or African American12,7024.4%
American Indian and Alaska Native2,8281.0%
Asian Population14,3835.0%
Asian Indian1,1490.4%
Other Asian Population2,143
Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander5800.2%
Hispanic or Latino23,2988.1%
Puerto Rican1,6050.6%
Other Hispanic or Latino4,649
Source: US Census population estimates(2019)

Nativity by Place of Birth

According to 2019 estimates, Lincoln native population is 264,139, out of these 195,249 born in the Nebraska state and 67,101 born in other state in the United States. Foreign born or Population born outside the US are 24,957, out of these 11,855 are Naturalised US citizen, 1,137 are in Europe, 5,822 in Asia, 2,007 in Africa, 2,787 in Latin America and 102 in Northern America. Non-US Citizens, Total Foreigners living in Lincoln are 13,102, out of these 653 are from Europe, 7,420 are from Asia, 1,009 from Africa, 3,881 are from Latin America and 139 are from Northern America.

Nativity by Place of BirthPopulation
Born in state of residence195,249
Born in other state in the United States67,101
Born outside the United States1,789
Puerto Rico215
U.S. Island Areas0
Born abroad of American parent(s)1,574
Foreign born
Born outside of United States24,957
Naturalized U.S. citizen11,855
Latin America2,787
Northern America102
Not a U.S. citizen13,102
Latin America3,881
Northern America139
Source: US Census 2019 estimates

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