World Population
Australia > Victoria

Melbourne Population 2025

Melbourne is the capital of the southeastern Australian state of Victoria, extends along the Yarra River towards the Yarra Valley and the Dandenong Ranges to the east, occupies much of the northern and eastern coastlines of Port Phillip Bay and into the Mornington Peninsula. Melbourne population in 2025 is estimated to be 5.13 million, covers city area of 9992.5 sq km., population density is 516 people per sq km., second-most populous city in Australia, ranks eighty-sixth populous city in the world. The Melbourne Central City is the core of Greater Melbourne region. Melbourne is also an important financial centre, attracts the largest proportion of international overseas immigrants for its highly diversified economy in IT, finance, manufacturing, research, logistics and tourism. Melbourne hosts many headquarters of Australia's largest corporations. Prior to European settlement, Melbourne is home to Kulin people living in the Port Phillip and the surrounding grasslands, Indigenous population of about 20,000. Melbourne is popular for the Melbourne Cricket Ground and the National Gallery of Victoria.

According to , The Key statistics of Melbourne city are the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander population in 2016 is 29,512 people, the working age population aged between 15 to 64 years is 64 percent. 1,515,597 people born overseas as on 2016 and median income is $50,648 in 2018.

Estimated resident population20205,159,21125,697,298
Working age population (aged 15-64 years)201967.965.4
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander population201629,512798,365
Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander Speakers20161.110.3
Persons born overseas20161,515,5976,149,388
Children enrolled in preschool201930,847135,301
Age pension2019401,3932,533,359
Median total income ($)201850,64849,805
Total number of businesses2020515,6862,422,404
Number of jobs20183,869,15819,563,645
Taxpayers who report having private health insurance20181,497,7568,124,494
Total Passenger vehicles20202,983,55414,679,246
Land area (ha)2020999,251.2768,812,631.9

Greater Melbourne

There are 1025 suburbs in Greater Melbourne, Some of the popular suburbs are South Yarra, St Kilda, Carlton, Brunswick, Footscray, Fitzroy, Richmond, South Melbourne and East Melbourne. Over the past three years the Greater Melbourne is seen rise of house price as people move to other suburbs as it is continue to be attracted by affordability. Some of the suburbs are Caulfield, Elsternwick, Ormond, Bentleigh and East Bentleigh, McKinnon, Brighton, Hampton, Sandringham, Beaumaris, Cheltenham and Highett.

Melbourne city UN Urban Agglomeration Population Prospects - 1950 to 2035

YearMelbourne Population
Source:, 1950 to 2035 Melbourne city Population(UA)

Melbourne Population Ranking & Density

Melbourne resident population as per estimates from 2015 to 2020. According to 2019 estimates the median age for male is 34.8 years and female is 36.4 years. Total working age population is 3.4 million, which holds 67.8 percent of Total Melbourne population. The Population density of Melbourne in 2020 is 516 persons per sq km., increase of 44 persons per sq km. from the last census of 2016 and ranks second most populous city in Australia. Melbourne population in 2023 is estimated to be 5.11 million, population in 2022 is estimated to be 4.99 million, Population of Melbourne in 2021 is estimated to be 4.97 million.

Total Population4,586,0124,714,3874,843,9284,964,7135,079,1235,159,211
Population density (persons/sq km)459472485497508516
Median age - males (years)34.934.934.834.834.8-
Median age - females (years)36.736.536.436.336.4-
Median age - persons (years)35.835.735.635.635.6-
Working age population (aged 15-64 years)3,124,1153,203,4603,289,2023,370,6153,448,726-
Working age population (aged 15-64 years)68.16867.967.967.9-

Melbourne Births and Fertility

According to 2019 ABS estimates, Total births are 60,764 and fertility rate is 1.55 decreasing every year when compared to 1.64 in 2015 census.

Total Births57,51865,14864,54361,35860,764
Total fertility rate1.641.661.661.641.55
Total Deaths26,78126,43026,82925,48429,173
Standardised death rate (per 1000 population)

Immigration to Melbourne

According to 2020 Australian Bureau, Melbourne Immigration and Migration Statistics are, Net overseas migration is 56,083 people, 140,972 overseas people has arrived to Melbourne city, and only 84,889 people has departures. 81,165 people have arrived from other provinces or councils and 90,431 has internal departures.

Internal arrivals86,78293,54994,27481,165
Internal departures76,60987,87492,02290,431
Net internal migration10,1735,6752,252-9266
Overseas arrivals148,562149,794156,356140,972
Overseas departures64,44570,00478,10084,889
Net overseas migration84,11779,79078,25656,083

Overseas born population in Melbourne

As per 2016 census, 33.8 % of the Melbourne population are overseas born, out of these 12% are from europe, 5.6% are from South-East Asia, 4.4% are from Central Asia, 1.2% from Americas and 1.4% are from Africa.

Overseas bornPercentage-2011Percentage-2016
Oceania and Antarctica (excluding Australia)2.12.3
North-West Europe5.75.1
Southern and Eastern Europe6.35.2
North Africa and the Middle East2.12.4
South-East Asia55.6
North-East Asia3.34.6
Southern and Central Asia4.46
Sub-Saharan Africa1.41.4
Total born overseas31.433.8

Australian citizenship in Melbourne

According to 2016 ABS census, 79.6% of Melbourne population are Australian Citizen, 14.2% are not a citizen and 6.2% of the people not stated.

Australian citizen8379.6
Not an Australian citizen11.514.2
Not stated5.56.2
According to 2016 ABS census, The below table displays the citizenship status of people born overseas, 58% of the overseas people are Australia citizens, 40.4% are not a citizen and 1.6% are not stated.
Australian citizen63.158
Not an Australian citizen35.240.4
Citizenship not stated 1.71.6

Income levels in Melbourne

Below is total personal income weekly income for the persons aged 15 years and over.

Persons earningPercentage (2016)
$1-$499 per week26.6
$500-$999 per week22.5
$1000-$1999 per week23
$2000-$2999 per week5.1
$3000 or more per week3.4
nil income10.6
negative income0.6
not stated8.2


Below table is the High school education statistics:

High School/YearPercentage (2011)Percentage (2016)
12 or equivalent54.659.4
11 or equivalent11.510.2
10 or equivalent12.911.4
9 or equivalent5.54.9
8 or below6.45.3
Did not go to school1.21.3
not stated7.97.5

Social marital status

Below table is the Social marital status & registered marital status of persons aged 15 years and over statistics.

Social marital status20112016
Registered marriage1,461,5031,572,151
De facto marriage248,739313,248
Not married1,268,4911 418 743
Never married35.936.6

Religion wise Melbourne Population

According to 2016 ABS census, 64.6 % follows Christianity decreased from 55.8%, and second largest followers are Islam with 4.2% which is a increase of 0.6% from 2011, and Buddhism with 3.8%, Hinduism with 2.9%, an increase of 0.9%, Judaism with 0.9%, 31.3% stated as no religion and 9.1% people has not stated.

Other religions1.11.5
Other spiritual beliefs0.90.2
No religion, secular beliefs23.531.3
Not stated8.19.1

Melbourne Language demographics

English is most popular spoken language at home with 95.5 percent, 1.1 percent are speakers of Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander languages.

Speakers of Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander1.31.1
Speaks English at home95.595.5

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