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> New York

New York City Population 2025

New York, Manhattan City
New York City, and abbreviated as NYC, popularly called New York, is the most populous and largest city in the New York State of United States. New York City population in 2025 is 8.54 million, is also the most densely populated and major city, Located at the southern part of the U.S. state of New York, as per analysis of US Census data from 2010 census, despite the New York longest economic expansion from 1800, the Empire State is actually losing population. According to latest 2020 US Census there are 795 US Cities, Currently over 3 million of New York City's residents are foreign-born. NYC cost of living in suburbs is less expensive to live there than in New York City. New York City was a prime destination in the early nineteenth and twentieth century for Europeans in nineteenth century and African Americans in twentieth century, and by 1916, New York City had become home to one of the largest African urban diaspora living in North America. By 1920, New York City became the most urban city area in terms of population in the world overtaking the city of London. In the 19th century, the city started transforming by development in various sectors in national and international trading center, as well as by European immigration. The influx of European immigrants came from the northern and central parts and later from southern countries. Over the course of the nineteenth century, New York City population grew from 60,000 to 3.43 million. It was not until 1827 that slavery was completely abolished in the state, and free blacks struggled afterward with discrimination. The city's black population reached more than 16,000 in 1840. New York's non-white population was 36,620 in 1890. NYC metropolitan area has three largest airports are John F. Kennedy International, La Guardia, and Newark Liberty International in New Jersey. The NYC metropolitan area has rapid transportation infrastructure with combination of buses, railroads and subways, The transit system provides transport to intracity passengers. The fashion industry is headquartered here along with the important UN headquarters. Many of the fashion programs originate here, Much of the style in the United States is set in New York City, which remains the artistic and fashion capital of the country.

Below is the New York City population by year:

YearPopulationChange %
20258,583,7330.08 *
Source : Annual Estimates of the Resident Population: April 1, 2010 to July 1, 2019, 2020 US Census & 2021 estimates updated

New York City Population Ranking & Density

According to US Population Census, April 1, 2020, New York City population in 2020 is 8.8 million, 20.9% of total population are under the age of 18, New York City area is 468.484 sq miles (1,213.37 sq km) and is composed of five boroughs, The Bronx, Brooklyn, Manhattan, Queens, and Staten Island. Brooklyn Borough is the most populous county in the state with 2.4 million, followed by Queens Borough with 2.2 million residents and its largest borough by area with 109 square miles (280 sq km). Manhattan Borough is the third largest with 1.5 million and also with largest GDP borough wise, and followed by Bronx Borough with 1.3 million residents. New York City population in 2023 is 8.51 million, population in 2022 is 8.49 million, Population of New York City in 2021 is 8.46 million.

NamePop.Census. 1990-04-01Pop.Census 2000-04-01Pop.Census 2010-04-01Pop.Estimate 2019-07-01
Bronx Borough1,203,7891,332,2441,384,5801,418,207
Brooklyn (Kings County) Borough2,300,6642,465,6892,504,7212,559,903
Manhattan (New York County) Borough1,487,5361,538,0961,586,3811,628,706
Queens Borough1,951,5982,229,3942,230,6192,253,858
Staten Island (Richmond County) Borough378,977443,762468,730476,143
New York City7,322,5648,009,1858,175,0318,336,817

New York City Voting Age Population
Total New York City Citizens of 18 and over population are 5,429,295 people, out of these 2,512,237 are Male and 2,917,058 are Female. 46.3% are Male and 53.7% are Female Citizens eligible for Voting.

According to U.S 2018 Census Of the total 8.3 million population, Statistics of Nativity and Citizenship status according to Place of Birth are 5,305,662 are Native born in United States, out of these 4,036,335 are born in New York state of residence and 957,068 are born in other States in the United States. 3,093,086 are Foreign born, 1,771,169 are Naturalized U.S. citizens, out of these 279,049 are born in Europe, 528,811 in Asia, 93,457 in Africa, 3,314 in Oceania, 856,936 in Latin America and 9,602 in Northern America, and 1,321,917 people are not a U.S. citizen and out of these151,370 in Europe, 399,058 in Asia, 66,335 in Africa, 9,050 in Oceania, 679,886 in Latin America,16,218 in Northern America.
Source: US Census 2018

New York City Language demographics

According to 2018 U.S census estimates, Population of Language spoken at home are 4,044,156 Speak only English, 1,879,960 Spanish, 95,568 French (incl. Cajun), 94,040 Haitian, 61,533 Italian, 19,604 Portuguese, 18,990 German, 98,722 Yiddish, Pennsylvania Dutch or other West Germanic languages, 34,766 Greek, 184,451 Russian, 51,904 Polish, 14,739 Serbo-Croatian, 4,316 Armenian, 19,140 Ukrainian or other Slavic languages.

Asian Indian speakers are 32,648 are Hindi speakers, 6,381 Gujarati, 44,529 Urdu, 24,547 Punjabi, 118,861 Bengali, 20,595 Nepali, Marathi, or other Indic languages, 55,933 Other Indo-European languages, 2,050 are Telugu speakers, 5,744 Tamil, 6,522 Malayalam, Kannada, or other Dravidian languages. 492,945 speak Chinese (incl. Mandarin, Cantonese), 24,137 Japanese, 60,779 Korean, 74 Hmong, 11,498 Vietnamese, 239 Khmer, 9,670 Thai, Lao, or other Tai-Kadai languages, 48,053 are Tagalog (incl. Filipino), 29,530 speak other languages of Asia.

3,991 Ilocano, Samoan, Hawaiian, or other Austronesian languages, 72,749 Arabic, 9,066 Persian (incl. Farsi, Dari) and 44,859 Hebrew, 8,128 Amharic, Somali, or other Afro-Asiatic languages, 3,911 are Swahili or other languages of Central, Eastern, and Southern Africa, 82,015 are Yoruba, Twi, Igbo, or other languages of Western Africa. 1,680 speak some other native languages of North America and 20,657 speak other and unspecified.languages.

New York City Population by Age

According to 2019 US population estimates, population of New York City is 8,336,817, out of these 3,979,090 are male, 4,357,727 are female, The sex ratio of New York City is 91. The median age of the New York City population is 37.2, New York City population by age are, under 18 years is 1,715,077, 16 years and over is 6,803,099, 18 years and over is 6,621,740, 21 years and over is 6,347,299, 65 years and over is 1,566,835. 47.7% are male, 52.3% are female, 20.6% are under 18 years old, 81.6% are 16 years and over, 79.4% are 18 years and over, 76.1% are 21 years and over, 15.4% are 65 years and over. There are total 3,546,601 housing units, The voting population of New York City are 5,457,412, out of these 2,532,843 are male voters, 2,924,569 are female voters, 46.4% are male,53.6% are female.

Age GroupPopulationPercent
0 -5521,2556.3%
5 - 9446,8885.4%
10 - 14481,2305.8%
15 - 19440,1345.3%
20 - 24518,2086.2%
25 - 341,483,54917.8%
35 - 441,138,32013.7%
45 - 541,027,30012.3%
55 - 59518,1176.2%
60 - 64480,6225.8%
65 - 74719,8868.6%
75 - 84390,9974.7%
85 and over170,3112.0%
Source: 2019 US population by age estimates

New York City Population by Race

Much of New York's growth has resulted from immigration, The immigrants are from other states and from abroad. The Dutch, English, Scots and Germans were the primary settlers, and later New Englanders in the 19th century which they spread into Westchester county and northern Long Island. New York City has the largest Chinese population of any city outside of Asia. Half of all New Yorkers speak a language other than English at home. Over 200 languages are spoken in New York City. According to U.S census 2019 estimates, NYC population by race are,

White Population

White population in New York City, New York are 3,531,777, percentage wise they are 42.4 percent.

Black Population

Black population in New York City, New York are 2,060,119, Percentage wise they are 24.7 percent of people. African American refers to black population in New York City, They are Black racial groups of Africa, includes Sub-Saharan African people, Kenyan, Nigerian, Carribbean such as Haitian and Jamaican.

Asian Population

Asian population in New York City are 1,201,923 14.4 percent in total population, out of these 220,473 are Asian Indians, 593,003 are Chinese, 76,095 are Filipinos, 19,905 are Japanese, 79,380 are Korean, 16,196 are Vietnamese and 196,871 are other Asian nationals.

Hispanic Population

Hispanic population in New York City, New York are 2,423,588. Percentage wise they are 29.1, out of these 322,286 are Mexican people, 669,605 are Puerto Ricans, 35,051 are Cubans, and 1,396,646 are other Hispanic or Latinos.

Population by Race8,336,817Percent
Black or African American2,060,11924.7%
American Indian and Alaska Native33,7870.4%
Asian Population1,201,92314.4%
Asian Indian220,4732.6%
Other Asian Population196,871
Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander3,8600.0%
Native Hawaiian2,2320.0%
Guamanian or Chamorro880.0%
Hispanic or Latino2,423,58829.1%
Puerto Rican669,6058.0%
Other Hispanic or Latino1,396,646
Source: US Census population estimates(2019)

Nativity by Place of Birth

Total New York City native population is 5,315,734, out of these 4,056,247 born in the New York state and 943,959 born in other state in the United States. Foreign born or Population born outside the US are 3,021,083, out of these 1,765,393 are Naturalised US citizen, 282,215 are in Europe, 545,551 in Asia, 79,708 in Africa, 846,137 in Latin America and 9,061 in Northern America. Total Foreigners who are non US citizens living in New York City are 1,255,690, out of these 127,230 are from Europe, 391,936 are from Asia, 57,910 from Africa, 651,336 are from Latin America and 16,757 are from Northern America.

Nativity by Place of BirthPopulation
Born in state of residence4,056,247
Born in other state in the United States943,959
Born outside the United States315,528
Puerto Rico177,509
U.S. Island Areas6,876
Born abroad of American parent(s)131,143
Foreign born
Born outside of United States3,021,083
Naturalized U.S. citizen1,765,393
Latin America846,137
Northern America9,061
Not a U.S. citizen1,255,690
Latin America651,336
Northern America16,757
Source: US Census 2019 estimates

New York City History

European settlement began with the Dutch in this harbour in 1608, before the settlement this City was inhabited by the Lenape people, the Native Americans. Beginning in the 18th century, new immigrants arrived from Europe, due to this flow the city dramatically expanded and changing the composition of the city and serving as workers in the expanding industries. During the two world wars, New York City port has served as a key port of entry for many of immigrants coming from Europe, and its cultural and economic influence has made it one of the important urban areas in the United States. There was extensive immigration from many of the German provinces, due to revolutions had disrupted societies, and Germans comprised another 25% of New York's population by 1860. The Great Irish Famine brought a large influx of Irish immigrants, more than 200,000 were living in New York by 1860, having share of a quarter of the city's population.

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