San Jose Population 2025
San Jose city is the center of innovation and large city surrounded by rolling hills in Silicon Valley, extremely high living cost, a major technology hub in California's Bay Area. It is tenth most populous city in United States and third populous city after Los Angeles and San Diego in the California state. San Jose population in 2025 is estimated to be 999,744 and City area is 181.36 sq miles (469.72 San Jose has the third highest GDP per capita in the world and one of the wealthiest city in the United States and the world. By the year 1990s, San Jose and the rest of Silicon Valley had become the hot spot for the technologies and high tech internet industries, thus making it California's fastest growing economy.
- Contents
- Population Ranking
- Languages
- Population by Age
- Population by Race
- Nativity by Place of Birth
- History
Below is the San Jose population by year:
Year | Population | Change % |
2010 | 954,492 | |
2011 | 969,948 | 1.62 |
2012 | 983,322 | 1.38 |
2013 | 1,001,253 | 1.82 |
2014 | 1,014,418 | 1.31 |
2015 | 1,026,099 | 1.15 |
2016 | 1,030,359 | 0.42 |
2017 | 1,032,136 | 0.17 |
2018 | 1,030,119 | -0.20 |
2019 | 1,021,795 | -0.81 |
2020 | 1,013,240 | -0.84 |
2021 | 983,532 | -2.932 |
2022 | 990,827 | 0.72 |
2023 | 994,272 | 0.34 |
2024 | 998,730 | 0.44 |
2025 | 999,744 | 0.1 * |
Year | San Jose Population |
1950 | 181,960 |
1955 | 297,394 |
1960 | 549,574 |
1965 | 748,947 |
1970 | 966,869 |
1975 | 1,083,553 |
1980 | 1,184,335 |
1985 | 1,270,671 |
1990 | 1,358,765 |
1995 | 1,440,649 |
2000 | 1,525,166 |
2005 | 1,590,721 |
2010 | 1,654,672 |
2011 | 1,667,771 |
2015 | 1,721,213 |
2020* | 1,783,312 |
2025* | 1,833,522 |
2035* | 1,996,425 |
San Jose Population Ranking & Density
According to US Population Census, April 1, 2020, San Jose population in 2020 is estimated to be 1,013,240, Its tenth largest city in the US by rank, San Jose Median age of population is 37 years, Sex ratio is 100.3 (males per 100 females), 50.1% are Male and 49.9% are Female. 6% are under 5 years, 22.1% are under 18 years, 77.9% are 18 years and over, 13% are 65 years and over and 1.6% are 85 years and over. Total housing units are 341,806. San Jose population in 2023 is estimated to be 994,272, population in 2022 is estimated to be 990,827, and in 2021 is estimated to be 983,532.
515,713 people are Male and 514,406 are Female population, 227,788 are under 18 years, 802,331 are 18 years and over, 134,053 are 65 years and over.
San Jose Voting age population
637,552 are San Jose Citizen, 18 and over population out of these 314,541 are Male and 323,011 are Female, percentage wise 49.3% are Male Voters and 50.7% are Female Voters.
San Jose Language demographics
San Jose population by Language spoken at home are 410,063 speak only English, 224,144 speak Spanish, 3,324 French (incl. Cajun), 8 Haitian, 1,550 Greek, 4,172 Portuguese, 1,696 German, 1,258 Italian, 721 Yiddish, Pennsylvania Dutch or other West Germanic languages, 5,555 Russian, 583 Polish, 1,843 Serbo-Croatian, 1,144 Ukrainian or other Slavic languages, 947 Armenian, 9,912 Persian (incl. Farsi, Dari).
People from Asian Indian languages are 18,547 speak Hindi, 4,557 Gujarati, 3,298 Urdu, 6,345 Punjabi, 1,539 Bengali, 7,918 Telugu, 8,633 Tamil, 5,040 Nepali, Marathi, or other Indic languages, 3,463 Malayalam, Kannada, or other Dravidian languages and 1,140 Other Indo-European languages.
People from East Asia languages include 68,810 speak Chinese (incl. Mandarin, Cantonese), 6,085 Japanese, 9,833 Korean, 451 Hmong, 1,637 Khmer, 32,319 Tagalog (incl. Filipino), 98,189 Vietnamese, 1,031 Thai, Lao, or other Tai-Kadai languages and 1,429 speak other languages of Asia.
5,155 speak Ilocano, Samoan, Hawaiian, or other Austronesian languages, 6,053 Arabic, 389 Hebrew, 6,645 Amharic, Somali, or other Afro-Asiatic languages, 213 Yoruba, Twi, Igbo, or other languages of Western Africa, 314 speak other Native languages of North America and 1,902 speak other and unspecified languages.
San Jose Population by Age
According to 2019 US population estimates, population of San Jose by age is 1,021,786, out of these 516,559 are male, 505,227 are female, The sex ratio of San Jose is 102. The median age of the San Jose population is 37.4, San Jose population by age are, under 18 years is 224,486, 16 years and over is 821,088, 18 years and over is 797,300, 21 years and over is 764,356, 65 years and over is 170303. 50.6% are male, 49.4% are female, 22.0% are under 18 years old, 80.4% are 16 years and over, 78.0% are 18 years and over, 74.8% are 21 years and over, 13.6% are 65 years and over. There are total 343,234 housing units, The voting population of San Jose are 632,302, out of these 316,609 are male voters, 315,693 are female voters, 50.1% are male,49.9% are female.
Age Group | Population | Percent |
0 -5 | 56,849 | 5.6% |
5 - 9 | 57,988 | 5.7% |
10 - 14 | 70,252 | 6.9% |
15 - 19 | 61,873 | 6.1% |
20 - 24 | 63,784 | 6.2% |
25 - 34 | 163,371 | 16.0% |
35 - 44 | 148,814 | 14.6% |
45 - 54 | 138,965 | 13.6% |
55 - 59 | 64,974 | 6.4% |
60 - 64 | 56,419 | 5.5% |
65 - 74 | 79,891 | 7.8% |
75 - 84 | 41,877 | 4.1% |
85 and over | 16,729 | 1.6% |
San Jose Population by Race
White Population
White population in San Jose, California are 434,112, percentage wise 42.5 percent are whites.
Black Population
Black population in San Jose, California are 30,288, percentage wise 3.0 percent are blacks. African American refers to black population in San Jose, They are Black racial groups of Africa, includes Sub-Saharan African people, Kenyan, Nigerian, Carribbean such as Haitian and Jamaican.
Asian Population
Asian population in San Jose are 385,177, percentage wise 37.7 percent are asians, out of these 72,656 are Asian Indians, 92,254 are Chinese, 57,277 are Filipinos, 8,248 are Japanese, 14,038 are Korean, 114,284 are Vietnamese and 26,420 are other Asian nationals.
Hispanic Population
Hispanic population in San Jose, California are 312,762. Percentage wise 30.6 percent are hispanics, out of these 265,464 are Mexican people, 3,794 are Puerto Ricans, 1,612 are Cubans, and 41,892 are other Hispanic or Latinos.
Population by Race | 1,021,786 | Percent |
White | 434,112 | 42.5% |
Black or African American | 30,288 | 3.0% |
American Indian and Alaska Native | 5,459 | 0.5% |
Asian Population | 385,177 | 37.7% |
Asian Indian | 72,656 | 7.1% |
Chinese | 92,254 | 9.0% |
Filipino | 57,277 | 5.6% |
Japanese | 8,248 | 0.8% |
Other Asian Population | 26,420 | |
Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander | 4,025 | 0.4% |
Hispanic or Latino | 312,762 | 30.6% |
Mexican | 265,464 | 26.0% |
Puerto Rican | 3,794 | 0.4% |
Cuban | 1,612 | 0.2% |
Other Hispanic or Latino | 41,892 |
Nativity by Place of Birth
Total San Jose native population is 601,865, out of these 468,121 born in the California state and 115,599 born in other state in the United States. Foreign born or Population born outside the US are 419,921, out of these 242,415 are Naturalised US citizen, 14,659 are in Europe, 182,454 in Asia, 5,017 in Africa, 37,758 in Latin America and 1,557 in Northern America. Total Foreigners who are non US citizens living in San Jose are 177,506, out of these 9,216 are from Europe, 96,515 are from Asia, 2,070 from Africa, 66,666 are from Latin America and 1,502 are from Northern America.
Nativity by Place of Birth | Population |
Native | 601,865 |
Born in state of residence | 468,121 |
Born in other state in the United States | 115,599 |
Northeast | 29,378 |
Midwest | 30,325 |
South | 29,139 |
West | 26,757 |
Born outside the United States | 18,145 |
Puerto Rico | 239 |
U.S. Island Areas | 561 |
Born abroad of American parent(s) | 17,345 |
Foreign born | |
Born outside of United States | 419,921 |
Naturalized U.S. citizen | 242,415 |
Europe | 14,659 |
Asia | 182,454 |
Africa | 5,017 |
Oceania | 970 |
Latin America | 37,758 |
Northern America | 1,557 |
Foreigner | |
Not a U.S. citizen | 177,506 |
Europe | 9,216 |
Asia | 96,515 |
Africa | 2,070 |
Oceania | 1,537 |
Latin America | 66,666 |
Northern America | 1,502 |
San Jose History
Before the arrival of the Spanish, the area around San Jose area was inhabited by the Tamien nation of the Ohlone peoples of California. San Jose was founded on November 29, 1777. In 1835, San Jose's population of approximately 700 people included 40 foreigners, primarily Native Americans and Englishmen. By 1845, the population of the pueblo had increased to 900 due to American immigration. On December 15, 1849, San Jose became the capital of the un-organized territory of California. After the American occupation of California in 1846, San Jose became the new state's first capital. By 1900 the population reached 21,500.
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