Toronto Population 2025

City of Toronto(2011) | Greater Toronto Area UA(2020) | |
Population | 2.9 million | 6.7 million |
Area | 630 sq km | 5,903 sq km |
Rank | 1 (Canada) | 64 (World) |
Greater Toronto
Greater Toronto Area includes the City of Toronto and the regional municipalities of Durham, Halton, Peel, and York, In total, the region contains 25 urban, suburban, and rural municipalities. It covers area of 5,905.71 sq km (2,280.21 sq mi). There are total of around 140 neighborhoods that make up the Greater City. According to the 2016 census, the Greater Toronto Area has a total population of 6,417,516 whereas population of City of Toronto is 2.7 million. The Gross Domestic Product is $336.7 billion compared to $158 billion in 2007, doubled in ten years. The average household income is $104,378 by 2015.
GTA Municipalities includes Town of Ajax, Town of Aurora, City of Brampton, Township of Brock, City of Burlington, Town of Caledon, Municipality of Clarington, Durham Region, Town of East Gwillimbury, Town of Georgina, Halton Region, Town of Halton Hills, Township of King, City of Markham, City of Mississauga, Town of Milton, Town of Newmarket, Town of Oakville, City of Oshawa, Peel Region, City of Pickering, City of Richmond Hill, Township of Scugog, City of Toronto, Township of Uxbridge, York Region, City of Vaughan, Town of Whitchurch-Stouffville and Town of Whitby.
Toronto city UN Urban Agglomeration Population Prospects - 1950 to 2035Year | Toronto Population |
1950 | 1,068,305 |
1955 | 1,299,741 |
1960 | 1,660,766 |
1965 | 2,023,796 |
1970 | 2,436,943 |
1975 | 2,734,586 |
1980 | 2,956,414 |
1985 | 3,279,588 |
1990 | 3,710,070 |
1995 | 4,121,907 |
2000 | 4,521,449 |
2005 | 4,947,655 |
2010 | 5,403,064 |
2011 | 5,499,233 |
2015 | 5,797,381 |
2020* | 6,139,404 |
2025* | 6,431,430 |
2035* | 7,029,287 |
The city located on a broad sloping plateau cut by numerous river valleys, name "Toronto" is believed derived from the Huron word for fishing weir. City of Toronto covers 641 and stretches 43 km from east to west and 21 km from north to south at its longest points. The perimeter is approximately 180 km. The number of occupied private dwellings in Toronto grew from 1,047,877 in 2011 to 1,112,929 in 2016. Toronto has 8,000 hectares of land are different parks (parks , valleys, ravines, valleys, woodlots, beaches, golf courses) and over 200 km of trails, many of which are suitable for biking and walking. Toronto's highest growth neighbourhoods are in Downtown, especially the Waterfront Communities The Island, Bay Street Corridor, and Moss Park neighbourhoods. Growth was seen west of Downtown in Niagara and Little Portugal areas, and further west in the Mimico and Islington-City Centre West neighbourhoods. Another cluster of neighbourhoods that experienced population growth is along the north of Highway 401, especially along the Sheppard West corridor. Further west along Highway 401, Pelmo Park-Humberlea also saw very high growth.
Geographic name | Population 2016 | Population 2011 | Population % change | Total dwellings 2016 | Area sq km | Density per sq km |
Greater Toronto Area | 5,928,040 | 5,583,064 | 6.2 | 2,235,145 | 5,905.84 | 1,003.8 |
Ajax | 119,677 | 109,600 | 9.2 | 38,105 | 67.00 | 1,786.4 |
Aurora | 55,445 | 53,203 | 4.2 | 19,381 | 49.85 | 1,112.3 |
Bradford West Gwillimbury | 35,325 | 28,077 | 25.8 | 11,918 | 201.04 | 175.7 |
Brampton | 593,638 | 523,906 | 13.3 | 173,428 | 266.36 | 2,228.7 |
Caledon | 66,502 | 59,460 | 11.8 | 2,2021 | 688.16 | 96.6 |
Chippewas of Georgina Island First Nation (Indian Reserve) | 261 | 275 | -5.1 | 565 | 14.55 | 17.9 |
East Gwillimbury | 23,991 | 22,473 | 6.8 | 8,279 | 245.04 | 97.9 |
Georgina | 45,418 | 43,517 | 4.4 | 18,687 | 287.75 | 157.8 |
Halton Hills | 61,161 | 59,013 | 3.6 | 21,475 | 276.27 | 221.4 |
King | 24,512 | 19,899 | 23.2 | 8,736 | 333.25 | 73.6 |
Markham | 328,966 | 301,709 | 9.0 | 106,131 | 212.35 | 1,549.2 |
Milton | 110,128 | 84,362 | 30.5 | 35,537 | 363.22 | 303.2 |
Mississauga | 721,599 | 713,443 | 1.1 | 248,469 | 292.43 | 2,467.6 |
Mono | 8,609 | 7546 | 14.1 | 3127 | 277.83 | 31.0 |
New Tecumseth | 34,242 | 30,234 | 13.3 | 13191 | 274.21 | 124.9 |
Newmarket | 84,224 | 79,978 | 5.3 | 29,315 | 38.45 | 2190.5 |
Oakville | 193,832 | 182,520 | 6.2 | 68,617 | 138.89 | 1,395.6 |
Orangeville | 289,00 | 27,975 | 3.3 | 10,696 | 15.61 | 1851.9 |
Pickering | 91,771 | 88,721 | 3.4 | 31,630 | 231.55 | 396.3 |
Richmond Hill | 195,022 | 185,541 | 5.1 | 66,465 | 101.11 | 1,928.8 |
Uxbridge | 21,176 | 20,623 | 2.7 | 7,946 | 420.95 | 50.3 |
Vaughan | 306,233 | 28,8301 | 6.2 | 96,657 | 273.56 | 1,119.4 |
Whitchurch-Stouffville | 45,837 | 37,628 | 21.8 | 15,712 | 206.22 | 222.3 |
City of Toronto | 2,731,571 | 2,615,060 | 4.5 | 1,179,057 | 630.20 | 4,334.4 |
Halton Region Municipalities are Town of Halton Hills, Town of Milton, Town of Oakville, City of Burlington
Peel Region Municipalities are Town of Caledon, City of Brampton, City of Mississauga
York Region Municipalities are City of Vaughan, Town of Richmond Hill, Town of Markham, Town of Aurora, Town of Whitchurch-Stouffville, King Township, Town of Newmarket, Township of East Gwillimbury, Corporation of the Town of Georgina.
Durham Municipalities are City of Pickering, Town of Ajax, Town of Whitby, City of Oshawa, Township of Uxbridge, Township of Brock, Township of Scugog, Municipality of Clarington.
Toronto Population Ranking & Density
Toronto population in 2023 is estimated to be 7 million, population in 2022 is estimated to be 6.9 million, and in 2021 is estimated to be 6.8 million, in 2020 is estimated to be 6.7 million, Toronto is one of the most multicultural and cosmopolitan cities in the world. According to GTA Statistics, 985,615 are between 0 to 14 years(16.6%), 4,083,845 are 15 to 64 years(68.9%), 858,580 are 65 years and overs(14.5%). 115,035 are 85 years and over(1.9%) and 1,270 are 100 years and over.
Out of 4 million of 68.9% of Toronto population between 15 to 64 years, 6.18% are 15 to 19 years, 6.94% are 20 to 24 years, 7.15 are 25 to 29 years, 7% are 30 to 34 years, 6.85% are 35 to 39 years, 6.99% are 40 to 44 years, 7.42% are 45 to 49 years, 7.76% are 50 to 54 years, 6.86% are 55 to 59 years and 5.6% are 60 to 64 years. Average age is 39.7 years, median age is 39.4 years and average household size is 2.7 persons compared to average size of census families is 3 persons.
Regarding Migration status of 1 year ago between 2018 to 2019, 732260 are Movers, 732260 are Non-migrants. 299,020 are Migrants out of these 194,570 are Internal migrants(Intraprovincial migrants 168,510, Interprovincial migrants 26,060) and 104,455 are External migrants.
Toronto Language demographics
Toronto official language is English, 5154905 people speak English, 4,855 speak French only. Mother Tongue or people speak language at home are 3,061,820 speak English, 65,535 speak French.
400 people speak Algonquian languages, out of these 5 speak Blackfoot, 115 speak Cree-Montagnais languages, 5 speak Atikamekw, 5 speak Montagnais (Innu), 10 speak Moose Cree, 5 speak Naskapi, 5 Northern East Cree, 10 speak Plains Cree, 30 Swampy Cree, 5 Woods Cree. 25 speak Eastern Algonquian language Mi'kmaq, 250 speak Ojibway-Potawatomi languages, out of these 5 Algonquin, 230 Ojibway, 10 speak Oji-Cree, 15 Ottawa (Odawa).
25 Northern Athabaskan languages, 5 Chilcotin, 5 Dene, 5 Dogrib (Tlicho), 5 Gwich'in, 5 Sarsi (Sarcee). 30 speak Inuktitut, 15 Mohawk, 5 Oneida, 5 Michif, 5 Dakota. 200 Haitian Creole, 1920 speak other Creole languages.
There are 140,140 Afro-Asiatic language speakers, 220 speak Berber languages, out of these 105 Kabyle and 115 speak Berber languages. 14,405 speak Cushitic languages, out of these 80 speak Bilen, 1,005 Oromo, 13,255 Somali, 65 Cushitic language. 125,160 speak Semitic languages, out of these 7,460 Amharic, 85,175 Arabic, 10,195 Assyrian Neo-Aramaic, 1,845 Chaldean Neo-Aramaic, 930 Harari, 10,390 Hebrew, 3,525 Maltese, 4,725 Tigrigna
51160 speak Austro-Asiatic languages, out of these 3090 speak Khmer (Cambodian), 48005 Vietnamese. 160980 Austronesian languages, out of these 470 Bikol, 5080 Cebuano, 55 Fijian, 2320 Hiligaynon, 9415 Ilocano, 25 Malagasy, 4420 Malay, 1305 Pampangan (Kapampangan/Pampango), 450 Pangasinan, 136115 Tagalog (Pilipino/Filipino), 315 Waray-Waray.
Total 609,885 speak Indian languages of South Asia. 1,33,415 speak Dravidian languages, out of these 2025 speak Kannada, 12,530 speak Malayalam, 109,580 speak Tamil, 9,015 speak Telugu and 275 speak other Dravidian languages. 4,76,470 speak Indo-Aryan languages, out of these 38,325 Bengali, 64,115 Gujarati, 48,140 speak Hindi, 275 speak Kashmiri, 2,155 speak Konkani, 4.465 speak Marathi, 4,685 speak Nepali, 585 speak Oriya, 171,230 speak Punjabi, 5,800 speak Sindhi, 7,860 speak Sinhala (Sinhalese) and 128,845 speak Urdu.
1,372,335 speak Indo-European languages, out of these 13,260 Albanian, 12,570 Armenian. 261,650 speak Balto-Slavic languages, out of these 5445 Baltic languages, 2255 Latvian, 3185 Lithuanian. 256,205 speak Slavic languages, out of these 355 Belarusan, 2750 Bosnian, 6945 Bulgarian, 16525 Croatian, 4795 Czech, 12010 Macedonian, 69860 Polish, 83105 Russian, 21420 Serbian, 2420 Serbo-Croatian, 5260 Slovak, 3705 Slovene (Slovenian), 26550 Ukrainian, 510 other Slavic languages.
45,990 speak Germanic languages, out of these 985 Afrikaans, 1570 Danish, 8585 Dutch, 135 Frisian, 29425 German, 85 Icelandic, 380 Norwegian, 1140 Swedish, 280 Vlaams (Flemish) and 3,355 speak Yiddish.
111,100 Iranian languages, 2,775 Kurdish, 7,685 Pashto, 100,640 Persian (Farsi), 1,920 other Iranian languages. 407,685 speak Italic (Romance) languages, out of these 165 Catalan, 151,415 Italian, 104,305 Portuguese, 25,075 Romanian, 126,500 Spanish, 225 Italic (Romance) languages. 41,225 speak Greek.
9,650 speak Japanese language, 1,110 Georgian, 55,005 Korean, 345 Mongolian, 25 Hmong-Mien languages.
24,130 speak Niger-Congo languages, out of these 8490 Akan (Twi), 60 Bamanankan, 1020 Edo, 370 Ewe, 220 Fulah (Pular/Pulaar/Fulfulde), 440 Ga language, 515 Ganda, 1520 Igbo, 375 Lingala, 355 Rundi (Kirundi), 380 Kinyarwanda (Rwanda), 680 Shona, 3215 Swahili, 160 Wolof, 3380 Yoruba, 2945 other Niger-Congo languages.
45 Dinka, 315 other Nilo-Saharan languages, 470 American Sign Language, 750 other Sign languages.
Total 516,670 speak Sino-Tibetan languages. 510,185 speak Chinese languages, out of these 247,710 Cantonese, 6495 Hakka, 227,085 Mandarin, 765 Min Dong, 11580 Min Nan (Chaochow; Teochow/Fukien/Taiwanese), 5290 Wu (Shanghainese), 11075 Chinese, 190 speak other Chinese languages. Out of total 6,485 Tibeto-Burman language speakers, 1,005 speak Burmese, 265 Karenic language, 4,875 Tibetan, 335 speak other Tibeto-Burman languages. 3935 Tai-Kadai languages, out of these, 2275 Lao, 1640 Thai, 25 speak other Tai-Kadai languages. 16700 speak Turkic languages, out of these 1615 Azerbaijani, 13700 Turkish, 385 Uyghur, 595 Uzbek, 405 other Turkic languages. 24330 Uralic languages, out of these 2685 Estonian, 2515 Finnish and 19130 Hungarian.
Toronto Population by Race
Population 2016 | Ethnic Groups |
73,975 | North American Aboriginal origins |
56,655 | First Nations (North American Indian) |
1,360 | Inuit |
17,860 | Métis |
786,975 | Other North American origins |
4,215 | Acadian |
49,455 | American |
746,965 | Canadian |
85 | New Brunswicker |
3,280 | Newfoundlander |
645 | Nova Scotian |
645 | Ontarian |
1,570 | Québécois |
2,760,845 | European origins |
1,287,260 | British Isles origins |
445 | Channel Islander |
205 | Cornish |
732,555 | English |
544,380 | Irish |
815 | Manx |
543,760 | Scottish |
56,210 | Welsh |
107,900 | British Isles origins |
248,150 | French origins |
355 | Alsatian |
60 | Breton |
60 | Corsican |
247,790 | French |
396,070 | Western European origins (except French origins) |
30,375 | Austrian |
155 | Bavarian |
9,770 | Belgian |
98,890 | Dutch |
910 | Flemish |
400 | Frisian |
271,815 | German |
305 | Luxembourger |
14,705 | Swiss |
530 | Western European origins |
69,205 | Northern European origins (except British Isles origins) |
15,455 | Danish |
16,385 | Finnish |
39,85 | Icelandic |
16,390 | Norwegian |
18,590 | Swedish |
3,515 | Northern European origins |
596,425 | Eastern European origins |
11,220 | Bulgarian |
8,240 | Byelorussian |
16,630 | Czech |
4755 | Czechoslovakian |
7,655 | Estonian |
59,720 | Hungarian |
9,660 | Latvian |
19,520 | Lithuanian |
3020 | Moldovan |
237,245 | Polish |
50,515 | Romanian |
139,910 | Russian |
14,580 | Slovak |
144,330 | Ukrainian |
7,290 | Eastern European origins |
988,415 | Southern European origins |
17,685 | Albanian |
6,485 | Bosnian |
160 | Catalan |
37,460 | Croatian |
2,620 | Cypriot |
99,145 | Greek |
484,365 | Italian |
485 | Kosovar |
28,315 | Macedonian |
19,440 | Maltese |
1,465 | Montenegrin |
210,425 | Portuguese |
33,055 | Serbian |
1,575 | Sicilian |
13,135 | Slovenian |
106,690 | Spanish |
6,775 | Yugoslavian |
510 | Southern European origins |
72,270 | Other European origins |
815 | Basque |
59,195 | Jewish |
1,220 | Roma (Gypsy) |
980 | Slavic |
10,520 | Other European origins |
346,530 | Caribbean origins |
2,430 | Antiguan |
1,255 | Bahamian |
18,395 | Barbadian |
1,000 | Bermudan |
1,795 | Carib |
9,290 | Cuban |
6,365 | Dominican |
12,380 | Grenadian |
40 | Guadeloupean |
5,150 | Haitian |
200,330 | Jamaican |
1,855 | Kittitian/Nevisian |
160 | Martinican |
440 | Montserratan |
750 | Puerto Rican |
5,405 | St. Lucian |
44,300 | Trinidadian/Tobagonian |
10,290 | Vincentian/Grenadinian |
46,300 | West Indian |
13,305 | Caribbean origins |
213,985 | Latin; Central and South American origins |
7,115 | Aboriginal from Central/South America (except Arawak and Maya) |
710 | Arawak |
8,415 | Argentinian |
355 | Belizean |
1,325 | Bolivian |
13,065 | Brazilian |
10,435 | Chilean |
24,875 | Colombian |
1,770 | Costa Rican |
17,930 | Ecuadorian |
5,915 | Guatemalan |
57,985 | Guyanese |
3,655 | Hispanic |
1,750 | Honduran |
1,135 | Maya |
19,785 | Mexican |
3,655 | Nicaraguan |
1,805 | Panamanian |
305 | Paraguayan |
10,665 | Peruvian |
15,130 | Salvadorean |
3,450 | Uruguayan |
8,260 | Venezuelan |
9,255 | Latin, Central and South American origins |
266,640 | African origins |
58,830 | Central and West African origins |
700 | Akan |
1,030 | Angolan |
1,070 | Ashanti |
370 | Beninese |
100 | Burkinabe |
2,535 | Cameroonian |
185 | Chadian |
3,985 | Congolese |
935 | Edo |
160 | Ewe |
45 | Gabonese |
545 | Gambian |
20,465 | Ghanaian |
680 | Guinean |
1,495 | Ibo |
615 | Ivorian |
335 | Liberian |
260 | Malian |
220 | Malinké |
19,330 | Nigerian |
60 | Peulh |
535 | Senegalese |
815 | Sierra Leonean |
315 | Togolese |
45 | Wolof |
2,925 | Yoruba |
2,895 | Other Central and West African origins |
53,740 | North African origins |
1,700 | Algerian |
680 | Berber |
1,815 | Coptic |
35 | Dinka |
36,340 | Egyptian |
1,275 | Libyan |
235 | Maure |
8,595 | Moroccan |
3,735 | Sudanese |
1,085 | Tunisian |
840 | Other North African origins |
80,285 | Southern and East African origins |
340 | Afrikaner |
500 | Amhara |
305 | Bantu; n.o.s. |
710 | Burundian |
205 | Djiboutian |
7,625 | Eritrean |
15,990 | Ethiopian |
460 | Harari |
3,960 | Kenyan |
180 | Malagasy |
2,820 | Mauritian |
830 | Oromo |
1,105 | Rwandan |
165 | Seychellois |
25,550 | Somali |
11,950 | South African |
1,850 | Tanzanian |
410 | Tigrian |
2,010 | Ugandan |
385 | Zambian |
1,760 | Zimbabwean |
205 | Zulu |
5,470 | Other Southern and East African origins |
77,575 | Other African origins |
330,340 | West Central Asian and Middle Eastern origins |
41,735 | Afghan |
23,205 | Arab |
21,710 | Armenian |
7,705 | Assyrian |
3,340 | Azerbaijani |
2,390 | Georgian |
515 | Hazara |
97,110 | Iranian |
29,045 | Iraqi |
14,490 | Israeli |
5,325 | Jordanian |
975 | Kazakh |
4,355 | Kurd |
375 | Kuwaiti |
245 | Kyrgyz |
29,750 | Lebanese |
15,555 | Palestinian |
2,145 | Pashtun |
1,655 | Saudi Arabian |
16,150 | Syrian |
1,425 | Tajik |
1,785 | Tatar |
23,085 | Turk |
405 | Turkmen |
545 | Uighur |
1,745 | Uzbek |
2,530 | Yemeni |
10,180 | Other West Central Asian and Middle Eastern origins |
995,125 | South Asian origins |
23,400 | Bangladeshi |
12,515 | Bengali |
150 | Bhutanese |
643,370 | East Indian |
4,040 | Goan |
4,980 | Gujarati |
1,345 | Kashmiri |
5,395 | Nepali |
122,950 | Pakistani |
47,760 | Punjabi |
4,030 | Sinhalese |
114,400 | Sri Lankan |
40,115 | Tamil |
49,895 | Other South Asian origins |
113,4050 | East and Southeast Asian origins |
2,165 | Burmese |
6,430 | Cambodian (Khmer) |
700,705 | Chinese |
274,670 | Filipino |
55 | Hmong |
6,120 | Indonesian |
28,045 | Japanese |
265 | Karen |
73,385 | Korean |
4,205 | Laotian |
5,625 | Malaysian |
1,940 | Mongolian |
1,070 | Singaporean |
7,975 | Taiwanese |
3,390 | Thai |
6,015 | Tibetan |
73,740 | Vietnamese |
3,400 | Other East and Southeast Asian origins |
10,705 | Other Asian origins |
9,705 | Oceania origins |
5,925 | Australian |
1,945 | New Zealander |
2,045 | Pacific Islands origins |
1,185 | Fijian |
225 | Hawaiian |
200 | Maori |
115 | Polynesian |
90 | Samoan |
340 | Pacific Islands origin |
Toronto History
Prior to the arrival of Europeans, a number of First Nations peoples inhabited the site of the present location of Toronto and the surrounding regions. According to Toronto History References, Toronto is located on the north shore of Lake Ontario, By 1,100 years ago, there were Iroquoian villages in the Toronto area. The Iroquoian people mainly live on hunting, farming and fishing. Iroquoian villages were located on higher ground locations accessing to waterways. Iroquoian villages changed over time, and by a point about 700 years ago these community houses having long houses surrounded by defensive heights close to cultivation fields. Iroquoian moved from place to place may be due environmental conditions or because of Natural disasters. By 15th century Iroquoian's moved away from Toronto region. During the course of each year, they travelled across large distances in groups and family sized bands to sustain themselves. The population around Toronto is rising through the centuries with possibly 500 people living along each of the major rivers in the Toronto area by about 1,500 years ago. Toronto seem to have been attractive for growing crops and for other forms of subsistence for an increasing population.
In 1608, the first permanent European settlement began in Quebec as part of French trading opportunities in Canada, but a few more years would pass before the newcomers would enter Ontario. By 17th century some goods from across the Atlantic reached the natives of southern Ontario. By 1793 British officials founded Town of York and Toronto expansion has started emerging and migrants start inflow. In 1834 Toronto city was founded when the former town York was renamed to distinguish the city from New York. The population increased rapidly, from 86,000 in 1881 to over 500,000 by 1921.
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