Rank | City | Country | Homicides 2020/2021 | Population 2020/2021(Estimates) | Homicides Per 100,000 (2020/2021) |
1 | Cape Town | South Africa | 3,532 | 4,710,000 | 74.98 |
2 | Mogadishu | Somalia | 1762 | 2,388,000 | 73.8 |
3 | Bangui | Central African Republic (CAR) | 617 | 889231 | 69.4 |
4 | Juba | South Sudan | 323 | 525953 | 61.41 |
5 | Gqeberha (Port Elizabeth) | South Africa | 614 | 1,152,915 | 53.25 |
6 | Durban | South Africa | 1,923 | 3,901,211 | 42.29 |
7 | Johannesburg | South Africa | 2,232 | 5,783,502 | 38.59 |
8 | Pretoria | South Africa | 902 | 2470000 | 36.52 |
9 | Kinshasa | DR Congo | 5817 | 17,628,000 | 33 |
10 | Tripoli | Libya | 353 | 1,170,000 | 30.17 |
11 | Nakuru | Kenya | 144 | 570,674 | 25.3 |
12 | Nairobi | Kenya | 572 | 4,397,073 | 13.0 |
13 | Luanda | Angola | 116 | 2,571,861 | 4.5 |
14 | Lagos | Nigeria | 345 | 9023430 | 3.82 |
15 | Dar es Salaam | Tanzania | 188 | 5,383,728 | 3.5 |
16 | Khartoum | Sudan | 211 | 6017000 | 3.5 |
Cape Town
Cape Town is a city in South Africa, its population is 4.7 million. Cape Town had the highest murder rate, and is the most dangerous city in Africa by 2025 with Homicides rate at 74.98 per 100,000 persons. Over the two decades the city has witnessed violent drug-related crime and gang violence.
MogadishuMogadishu is a city in Somalia with 2.3 million inhabitants. Mogadishu is the second most dangerous city in Africa with Homicides rate at 73.8 per 100,000 persons.
BanguiBangui is the capital and largest city of the Central African Republic, with 889 thousand inhabitants. Juba is the third most dangerous city in Africa with Homicides rate at 69.4 per 100,000 persons.
JubaJuba is the capital and largest city of South Sudan. with 525 thousand inhabitants. Juba is the fourth most dangerous city in Africa with Homicides rate at 61.41 per 100,000 persons.
Port ElizabethGqeberha formerly Port Elizabeth is a city in Eastern Cape province of South Africa, with 1.15 million inhabitants. Port Elizabeth is the fifth most dangerous city in Africa with Homicides rate at 53.25 per 100,000 persons.
DurbanDurban is a city in South Africa with 3.9 million inhabitants. Durban has a high murder rate, is the sixth most dangerous city in Africa with Homicides rate at 42.29 per 100,000 persons. Crime rates vary widely across the city and most inner suburbs have much lower murder rates than in outer areas. Other than murders, other common crimes are Rape, Kidnapping, Carjacking and House Break-ins.
JohannesburgJohannesburg is the largest city in South Africa, with 5.7 million inhabitants. Johannesburg is the seventh most dangerous city in Africa with Homicides rate at 38.59 per 100,000 persons. Other crime includes Property crime, Bank and credit card fraud, kidnappings, cash point robberies, carjackings and Gang violence. Hillbrow is the popular crime spot, Many buildings were abandoned by landlords due to heavy crime.
PretoriaPretoria is the administrative capital of South Africa, situated approximately 55 km north-northeast of Johannesburg. Pretoria is the eighth most dangerous city in Africa with Homicides rate at 36.52 per 100,000 persons. Financial and property crimes are very much high in pretoria, other crime includes Rape, Vehicle hijackings, Kidnappings, Cash-in-transit heists, Gang Violence, Cash point robberies.
KinshasaKinshasa is the capital and largest city of the Democratic Republic of the Congo, with 17.6 million inhabitants. Kinshasa is the ninth most dangerous city in Africa with Homicides rate at 33 per 100,000 persons.
TripoliTripoli is the capital and largest city of Libya, with a population of about 1.17 million people. Tripoli is the tenth most dangerous city in Africa with Homicides rate at 30.17 per 100,000 persons.
NakuruNakuru is a city in the Rift Valley region of Kenya, with 570 thousand inhabitants. Nakuru is the eleventh most dangerous city in Kenya with Homicides rate at 25.3 per 100,000 persons.
NairobiNairobi is the capital city of Kenya with 4.39 million inhabitants, and the metropolitan area population in 2022 has projected of 10.8 million. Nairobi is the twelfth most dangerous city in Africa with Homicides rate at 13.0 per 100,000 persons.
LuandaLuanda is a capital city in Angola with 2.5 million inhabitants. Luanda is the thirteenth most dangerous city in Africa with Homicides rate at 4.5 per 100,000 persons.
LagosLagos is the largest city in Nigeria and second most populous in Africa, with 9 million inhabitants. Lagos is the fourteenth most dangerous city in Africa with Homicides rate at 3.82 per 100,000 persons.
Dar es SalaamDar es Salaam is a city in Tanzania and is the largest city in East Africa, with 5.3 million inhabitants. Dar es Salaam is the fifteenth most dangerous city in Africa with Homicides rate at 3.5 per 100,000 persons.
KhartoumKhartoum is the capital of Sudan, with a population of 5.2 million, located at the confluence of the White Nile and the Blue Nile river flowing west from Lake Tana in Ethiopia. Khartoum is the sixteenth most dangerous city in Africa with Homicides rate at 3.5 per 100,000 persons.
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