Thick Brush Stroke

Its ok to talk, Just make sure you don’t get so deep in conversation that it becomes a distraction. The toughest places on speeding and reckless driving are Arizona, Delaware, New Mexico, Illinois, Virginia, Iowa, Massachusetts, DC,  Alabama.

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Talking to Passenger

Thick Brush Stroke

When Reading message or  texting, you take your eyes off the road and at least one hand off the vehicle. New Mexico, Hawaii, New Jersey and Kansas are the worst states for distracted driving.

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Mobile Distractions

Thick Brush Stroke

Operating Vehicle Controls

it only takes a handful of seconds to adjust the radio, but an accident could happen in that time frame. Texas, Nevada and Arizona top states for speedy drivers.

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Thick Brush Stroke

Talking on the phone

If you must talk while driving, be sure to always use hands free technology. 34% percent of US state drivers are on the phone who are involved in car accidents.

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Reaching for  an Object

When you reach, you only have one hand on the wheel. You also take your eyes off the road. Reaching for an Object while driving cause four times as many accidents.

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Don’t get caught staring or personal grooming as taking your eyes off the road even for a second causes accident.

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Unsafe Lane Changing

While Lane changing, make sure you dont have a moving object on 3 sides, peep-in is a big risk. Unsafe lane changing was also a prevalent contributing factor, leading to more than 33,000 car accidents across the state.

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Thick Brush Stroke

Under Alcohol Influence

Driving under the influence of marijuana is illegal in all 50 states. When drunk, reaction time decreases by an average of 120 milliseconds. Drinking and driving kills more people, texting and driving causes more accidents.

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Thick Brush Stroke

Fatigued or asleep

The second most common contributing factor was driver inattention. New Jersey and Arkansas were the only States with laws explicitly addressing drowsy driving.

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Thick Brush Stroke


Texas, Nevada and Arizona best states for speedy drivers. Drivers typically fail to maintain speed, The average speed when a distracted driving event occurs is 55 MPH.

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Compensation for Vehicle accident injuries