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In most US states, when a crash happens, the person who is responsible for causing the accident is expected to cover a victim’s damages. For settlement, an experienced car accident lawyer can assist with negotiating a best cost.

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Medical Expenses

Thick Brush Stroke

If an individual who gets injured in an accident and cannot work in most states for a period of time, can be claimed with the assistance of attorney.

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Lost Wages

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The maximum claim for pain and suffering is upto $500,000. Don't Accept the Insurance Company 1st Offer. Better deal with your accident lawyer who is profession in your city. Texas state encourages the use of a  multiplier for pain and suffering between 1.5 to 5 of bills.

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Pain and Suffering

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This is to compensate an auto accident victim for the negative consequences. Sometimes its a settlement between injured victim and insurance company.

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Lowered  Quality of Life

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After the crash, if the victim ability to decrease in earning capacity, then victim is losing future earnings. Victim need to demonstrate insurance company, how he is displace from current job which affects his financials

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Reduced Future Earnings

Thick Brush Stroke

You can sue for emotional distress if your are a victim of car accident and other insults like racial, sexual, and threats.

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Emotional Distress

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A funeral may cost between $10,000 to $20,000. if negligiant driving is responsible then it can be claimed as compensation.

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Funeral and Burial Expenses

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The Wrongful Death compensation covers, if  deceased person's loved ones are dependents and loss of companionship and support. Surviving Spouses and children are eligible for the settlement, this may range from $500,000 to $1 million.

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Wrongful Death

Thick Brush Stroke

If the spouse has no longer enjoys the companian due to physical or mental ability, and he or she is victim in car accident, Its a loss of consortium. Spouses can recover up to $250,000.

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Loss of Consortium

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In case of a car accident, the property damage can be fence or front end damage. The estimated value of the loss of the structure for replacement or repair can be claimed from insurance companies.

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Property Damage

10 Most Expensive States for Car Insurance