iMemphis is the 10th most cockroach infected cities with 15.2 percent of residents encountering cockroaches.
New York City is the 9th most cockroach infected cities with 15.6 percent of residents encountering cockroaches.
Dallas is the 8th most cockroach infected cities with 15.8 percent of residents encountering cockroaches.
Los Angeles is the 7th most cockroach infected cities with 17.2 percent of residents encountering cockroaches.
Raleigh is the 6th most cockroach infected cities with 18.9 percent of residents encountering cockroaches.
Phoenix is the 5th most cockroach infected cities with 20.3 percent of residents encountering cockroaches.
Atlanta is the 4th most cockroach infected cities with 24.9 percent of residents encountering cockroaches.
Atlanta is the 3rd most cockroach infected cities with 32.2 percent of residents encountering cockroaches.
Houston is the 2nd most cockroach infected cities with 37.9 percent of residents encountering cockroaches.
New Orleans is the most cockroach infected cities with 41.1 percent of residents encountering cockroaches.