Kyrgyzstan is a mountainous landlocked country in Central Asia, borders China to the east, Kazakhstan to the north, Uzbekistan to the west, Tajikistan to the south. Kyrgyzstan population in 2024 is estimated to be 7.22 million, covers country area of 199,951 sq km (77,202 sq mi), ranks eighty-fifth country by area and the one-hundred-sixth most populous country in the world. Kyrgyzstan capital and largest city is Bishkek, other popular cities are Osh, Jalal-Abad, Karakol, Tokmok, Özgön, Kara-Balta, Balykchy, Naryn and Talas. Country code is KGZ, Life expectancy of Kyrgyzstan is 70.75 years for male and 77.31 years for female. The Kyrgyz language is related to Turkic languages, although Russian remains spoken and is a co-official language.
Below table is the population of Kyrgyzstan from 1960 to 2020:Year | Population |
1960 | 2,172,300 |
1965 | 2,573,300 |
1970 | 2,959,900 |
1975 | 3,292,400 |
1980 | 3,617,400 |
1985 | 3,990,300 |
1990 | 4,391,200 |
1995 | 4,560,400 |
2000 | 4,898,400 |
2005 | 5,162,600 |
2010 | 5,447,900 |
2015 | 5,956,900 |
2020 | 6,591,600 |
Kyrgyz Republic population in 1960 is 2,172,300, by 1970 the population is increased by 787,600 totaling to 2,959,900, by 1980 the population is increased to 3,617,400, and by 1990 the total increase of 4,391,200 in 30 years from 1960 to 1990 resulting to 4,391,200. From 1990 to 2000, population increased to 4,898,400, and from 2000 to 2010 the population of Kyrgyz Republic increase by 549,500 with a change of 11.22 percent and increase of population from 2010 to 2020 by 1,143,700 with a change of 20.99 percent and make up to 6,591,600. Kyrgyzstan population in 2022 is estimated to be 6.8 million, Population of Kyrgyzstan in 2021 is estimated as 6.7 million.
According to stat,Kyrgyzstan is divided into seven regions:
Regions | 2012 | 2013 | 2014 | 2015 | 2016 | 2017 | 2018 | 2019 | 2020 | 2021 |
Batken oblast | 448.9 | 458.9 | 469.7 | 480.7 | 492.6 | 503.5 | 513.6 | 525.1 | 537.3 | 548.2 |
Jalal-Abat oblast | 1,054.3 | 1,076.7 | 1,099.2 | 1,122.4 | 1,146.5 | 1168.7 | 1,190.6 | 1,214.4 | 1,238.8 | 1,260.6 |
Yssyk-Kul oblast | 448.0 | 453.4 | 458.5 | 463.9 | 470.1 | 476.8 | 483.0 | 489.8 | 496.1 | 501.9 |
Naryn oblast | 264.9 | 268.0 | 271.3 | 274.5 | 277.6 | 281 | 283.8 | 287.0 | 289.6 | 292.1 |
Osh oblast | 1,147.7 | 1,173.2 | 1,199.9 | 1,228.4 | 1,259.7 | 1287.5 | 1,314.1 | 1,341.9 | 1,368.1 | 1,391.7 |
Talas oblast | 235.3 | 239.5 | 243.4 | 247.2 | 251.3 | 255.2 | 259.0 | 263.5 | 267.4 | 271.0 |
Chui oblast | 822.6 | 838.4 | 853.7 | 870.3 | 887.5 | 905.2 | 921.7 | 941.1 | 959.8 | 975.0 |
Bishkek city | 874.4 | 894.6 | 915.7 | 937.4 | 958.5 | 980.4 | 1,002.1 | 1,027.2 | 1053.9 | 1,074.1 |
Osh city | 255.8 | 260.4 | 265.2 | 270.3 | 270.3 | 281.9 | 288.8 | 299.5 | 312.5 | 322.2 |
Kyrgyz Republic | 5,551.9 | 5,663.1 | 5,776.6 | 5,895.1 | 6,019.5 | 6,140.2 | 6,256.7 | 6,389.5 | 6,523.5 | 6,636.8 |
Ethnic Kyrgyz make up the majority of the country's six million people:
Ethnic race | 2011 | 2012 | 2013 | 2014 | 2015 | 2016 | 2017 | 2018 | 2019 | 2020 |
Total | 5,477,620 | 5,551,888 | 5,663,133 | 5,776,570 | 5,895,062 | 6,019,480 | 6,140,200 | 6,256,730 | 6,389,500 | 6,523,529 |
Kyrgyz | 3,928,796 | 4,006,009 | 4,099,433 | 4,193,850 | 4,292,062 | 4,393,057 | 4,492,667 | 4,587,430 | 4,695,646 | 4,804,369 |
Russians | 394,680 | 381,562 | 375,438 | 369,939 | 364,571 | 360,580 | 356,637 | 352,960 | 348,935 | 344,950 |
Uzbeks | 785,977 | 796,291 | 816,219 | 836,065 | 856,987 | 878,615 | 898,363 | 918,262 | 940,628 | 964,379 |
Ukrainians | 18,433 | 16,657 | 15,527 | 14,485 | 13,501 | 12,691 | 11,915 | 11,252 | 10,600 | 9,943 |
Germans | 9,035 | 8,766 | 8,645 | 8,563 | 8,453 | 8,403 | 8,340 | 8,269 | 8,201 | 8,179 |
Tatars | 29,639 | 28,656 | 28,334 | 28,059 | 27,688 | 27,454 | 27,341 | 27,200 | 26,992 | 26,732 |
Kazakhs | 32,900 | 32,981 | 33,368 | 33,701 | 34,122 | 34,615 | 35,087 | 35,541 | 36,022 | 36,396 |
Armenians | 834 | 807 | 810 | 799 | 797 | 810 | 801 | 797 | 793 | 788 |
Tajiks | 47,325 | 48,033 | 49,046 | 50,174 | 51,411 | 52,729 | 53,848 | 54,976 | 56,219 | 57,612 |
Azerbaijanians | 17,823 | 18,046 | 18,516 | 18,946 | 19,309 | 19,630 | 20,010 | 20,406 | 20,771 | 21,153 |
Chechens | 1,784 | 1,740 | 1,737 | 1,719 | 1,701 | 1,705 | 1,684 | 1,690 | 1,701 | 1,707 |
Belorussians | 1,186 | 1,109 | 1,070 | 1,029 | 978 | 944 | 897 | 851 | 816 | 768 |
Georgians | 583 | 571 | 578 | 585 | 582 | 575 | 568 | 570 | 569 | 574 |
Lithuanians | 137 | 138 | 142 | 151 | 152 | 153 | 145 | 144 | 148 | 148 |
Moldavians | 453 | 430 | 414 | 407 | 393 | 387 | 382 | 374 | 369 | 361 |
Latvians | 60 | 62 | 72 | 88 | 86 | 81 | 77 | 75 | 74 | 75 |
Turkmens | 2,028 | 2,037 | 2,051 | 2,083 | 2,116 | 2,121 | 2,128 | 2,139 | 2,142 | 2,150 |
Estonians | 101 | 104 | 104 | 110 | 107 | 104 | 102 | 98 | 96 | 95 |
Jews | 539 | 508 | 501 | 491 | 486 | 472 | 457 | 455 | 447 | 445 |
Uigurs | 49,721 | 50,346 | 51,389 | 52,456 | 53,525 | 54,810 | 56,015 | 57,002 | 58,168 | 59,367 |
Dungans | 59,994 | 61,372 | 62,966 | 64,565 | 66,140 | 67,622 | 69,093 | 70,534 | 72,240 | 73,977 |
Koreans | 16,938 | 16,711 | 16,753 | 16,807 | 16,828 | 16,957 | 17,015 | 17,074 | 17,105 | 17,124 |
Turks | 39,534 | 39,913 | 40,443 | 40,953 | 41,556 | 42,255 | 42,829 | 43,411 | 44,112 | 44,773 |
Others | 39,120 | 39,039 | 39,577 | 40,545 | 41,511 | 42,710 | 43,799 | 45,220 | 46,706 | 47,464 |
Kyrgyzstan Regions, Area and estimated population in 2021:
Region/City | Kyrgyz | Russian | Capital | Area (sq km) | Population (2021) |
Bishkek City | Бишкек шаары (Bishkek shaary) | Город Бишкек (Gorod Bishkek) | N/A | 160 | 1,074.1 |
Batken Region | Баткен облусу (Batken oblusu) | Баткенская область (Batkenskaya oblast′) | Batken | 17,048 | 548.2 |
Chüy Region | Чүй облусу (Chüy oblusu) | Чуйская область (Chuyskaya oblast′) | Bishkek | 19,895 | 975.0 |
Jalal-Abad Region | Жалал-Абад облусу (Jalal-Abad oblusu) | Джалал-Абадская область (Dzhalal-Abadskaya oblast′) | Jalal-Abad | 32,418 | 1,260.6 |
Naryn Region | Нарын облусу (Naryn oblusu) | Нарынская область (Narynskaya oblast′) | Naryn | 44,160 | 292.1 |
Osh Region | Ош облусу (Osh oblusu) | Ошская область (Oshskaya oblast′) | Osh | 28,934 | 1,391.7 |
Talas Region | Талас облусу (Talas oblusu) | Таласская область (Talasskaya oblast′) | Talas | 13,406 | 271.0 |
Issyk-Kul Region | Ысык-Көл облусу (Ysyk-Köl oblusu) | Иссык-Кульская область (Issyk-Kulskaya oblast′) | Karakol | 43,735 | 501.9 |
Osh City | Ош шаары Osh shaary | Город Ош (Gorod Osh) | N/A | 182 | 322.2 |
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