
Lithuania Population 2025

Lithuania is a country in the Baltic region of Europe lies on the eastern shore of the Baltic Sea, borders Belarus to the east and south, Poland to the south, Russia to the southwest and Latvia to the north. Lithuania gained independence from Soviet Union in 1990. Lithuania population in 2025 is estimated to be 2.77 million, covers country area of 65,300 sq km (25,200 sq mi), ranks one-hundred-twenty-first country by area and the one-hundred-forty most populous country in the world. Lithuania capital and largest city is Vilnius, Capital city population increased by 4 percent to 556,100 in 2021, accounting for one-fifth of the Lithuania population, other popular cities are Kaunas, Klaipėda, Šiauliai, Panevėžys, Alytus, Marijampolė, Mažeikiai and Mažeikiai. Country code is LTU, According to stat, Over a decade, the number of residents decreased by 232.6 thousand (7.6 percent). The decrease in population was mainly due to international migration and effect of natural population change. However, emigration exceeded that of immigrants by 118.9 thousand. The number of deaths exceeded that of births by 113.7. Life expectancy of Lithuania is 71.23 years for male and 80.43 years for female. In terms of ethnic groups, Lithuanians account for 84.6 percent of the population, Poles remain the largest ethnic minority with 6.5 percent, Russians account for 5 percent and Belarusians are 1 percent.

Below table is the population of Lithuania from 1960 to 2020:

Lithuania Population Growth

Lithuania population in 1960 is 2,778,550, by 1970 the population is increased by 361,139 totaling to 3,139,689, by 1980 the population is increased to 3,413,202, and by 1990 the total increase of 3,697,838 in 30 years from 1960 to 1990 resulting to 3,697,838. From 1990 to 2000, population decreased by -198,302 to 3,499,536, and from 2000 to 2010 the population of Lithuania decline by -402,254 with a change of -11.49 percent and further decrease of population from 2010 to 2020 by -302,582 with a change of -9.77 percent and make up to 2,794,700. Lithuania population in 2023 is estimated to be 2.78 million, population in 2022 is estimated to be 2.79 million, Population of Lithuania in 2021 is estimated as 2.81 million.

Main reason of population declining is low birth rate and emigration, as young men and women are leaving to work and study. According to iza, 2016 paper, Emigration of Lithuania accounts for almost 80% of the population decline in Lithuania over past decade, and it is the highest emigration rates in the EU. At the same time birth rates dropped sharply, also an increasing concentration of population moving to urban areas or major city regions, Another cause is significant drop in the importance of agriculture, which was prioritized in the communist regime, which reduces number of jobs in rural areas, Since from the collapse of the Soviet Union most of the regions of Lithuania did not receive major investments., such a situation had to lead to out migration, a major cause of unemployment and not addressing public and private sectors thus deteriorating the living conditions for the majority of remaining population. The natural factors of population change, internal and outward migration contribute the loss of population.

Source : worldbank

Lithuania Counties, Municipalities

As of January 2021, the resident population of Lithuania amounted to 2,810,761. Over a decade, the number of residents decreased by 232.6 thousand (7.6 percent).

CountyPopulation (2021)MaleFemale
Vilniaus apskritis810,797375,569435,228
Alytaus apskritis137,74164,23873,503
Kauno apskritis569,571262,661306,910
Klaipėdos apskritis322,283149,980172,303
Marijampolės apskritis138,29265,68272,610
Panevėžio apskritis216,23399,527116,706
Šiaulių apskritis262,220121,724140,496
Tauragės apskritis92,66743,39649,271
Telšių apskritis133,37662,45670,920
Utenos apskritis127,58159,73267,849

According to stat, The territorial distribution of the Lithuania population in the country is changing, urban population is growing, while the population is moving to suburbs. The urban population in 2021 is 68.2 percent of Lithuania population compared to 66.7 percent a decade ago. In the rest of the municipalities of the major cities, the number of residents decreased. Compared to the 2011 Census data, the largest population drop was recorded in Panevėžys, Šiauliai and Klaipėda city municipalities with 11%, 8% and 6% respectively. Population of Kaunas city municipality decreased by 6 percent and now the total of 298.8 thousand residents in this municipality. The population in the residential districts located on the outskirts of the major cities is increasing. The largest population growth was observed in Klaipėda district municipality with 11 percent. The population of this municipality is 57 thousand. The number of residents in Kaunas and Vilnius district municipalities increased by 7% and 1%. The largest population decline was in Pagėgiai municipality, Skuodas, Pakruojis, Kelmė and Ignalina district municipalities, these have lost around one-fifth of their population since 2011.

CountyMunicipalityPopulation (2021)MaleFemale
Vilniaus apskr.810,797375,569435,228
Elektrėnų sav. 23,37611,07512,301
Šalčininkų rajono sav. 30,05214,33715,715
Širvintų rajono sav. 15,0237,0337,990
Švenčionių rajono sav. 22,96610,79812,168
Trakų rajono sav. 32,04215,18516,857
Ukmergės rajono sav. 34,55315,99818,555
Vilniaus miesto sav. 556,490254,795301,695
Vilniaus rajono sav. 96,29546,34849,947
Alytaus apskr. 137,74164,23873,503
Alytaus miesto sav. 52,72724,21428,513
Alytaus rajono sav. 25,58112,43313,148
Druskininkų sav. 20,0499,00611,043
Lazdijų rajono sav. 18,2478,7059,542
Varėnos rajono sav. 21,1379,88011,257
Kauno apskr. 569,571262,661306,910
Birštono sav. 4,1281,8472,281
Jonavos rajono sav. 41,59519,35322,242
Kaišiadorių rajono sav. 29,83515,06414,771
Kauno miesto sav.298,753134,560164,193
Kauno rajono sav. 92,40044,03848,362
Kėdainių rajono sav. 46,38221,39824,984
Prienų rajono sav.25,28611,86813,418
Raseinių rajono sav. 31,19214,53316,659
Klaipėdos apskr.322,283149,980172,303
Klaipėdos miesto sav.152,00869,51582,493
Klaipėdos rajono sav.56,96427,57629,388
Kretingos rajono sav. 37,63917,71019,929
Neringos sav. 3,6091,7381,871
Palangos miesto sav.16,7467,4979,249
Skuodo rajono sav.16,2507,5498,701
Šilutės rajono sav. 39,06718,39520,672
Marijampolės apskr.138,29265,68272,610
Kalvarijos sav. 10,0934,8285,265
Kazlų Rūdos sav. 11,0545,3195,735
Marijampolės sav. 54,84626,20528,641
Šakių rajono sav. 26,93112,71514,216
Vilkaviškio rajono sav.35,36816,61518,753
Panevėžio apskr. 216,23399,527116,706
Biržų rajono sav. 23,31410,79812,516
Kupiškio rajono sav. 16,5307,5918,939
Panevėžio miesto sav. 89,10039,65349,447
Panevėžio rajono sav. 35,42617,25718,169
Pasvalio rajono sav. 23,14810,87312,275
Rokiškio rajono sav. 28,71513,35515,360
Šiaulių apskr. 262,220121,724140,496
Akmenės rajono sav. 19,5859,11110,474
Joniškio rajono sav. 21,2849,97411,310
Kelmės rajono sav. 26,02612,28513,741
Pakruojo rajono sav. 18,8278,8529,975
Radviliškio rajono sav. 34,92816,34918,579
Šiaulių miesto sav. 100,65345,54855,105
Šiaulių rajono sav. 40,91719,60521,312
Tauragės apskr. 92,66743,39649,271
Jurbarko rajono sav. 25,17411,75213,422
Pagėgių sav. 7,4403,5013,939
Šilalės rajono sav.22,05110,63411,417
Tauragės rajono sav. 38,00217,50920,493
Telšių apskr. 133,37662,45670,920
Mažeikių rajono sav. 52,12024,37427,746
Plungės rajono sav. 33,66515,82617,839
Rietavo sav. 7,3813,5293,852
Telšių rajono sav. 40,21018,72721,483
Utenos apskr. 127,58159,73267,849
Anykščių rajono sav. 23,32110,88812,433
Ignalinos rajono sav.14,7826,9857,797
Molėtų rajono sav. 17,2228,2408,982
Utenos rajono sav. 37,50917,36520,144
Visagino sav. 19,6339,15110,482
Zarasų rajono sav. 15,1147,1038,011



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