Nicaragua is the country in the Central American, borders Honduras to the northwest, Costa Rica to the south, the Caribbean to the east, and the Pacific Ocean to the southwest. Nicaragua population in 2024 is estimated to be 6.99 million, covers country area of 130,375 sq km (50,338 sq mi), ranks ninety-sixth country by area and the one-hundred-tenth most populous country in the world. Its capital is Managua, other popular cities are León, Masaya, Matagalpa, Tipitapa, Chinandega, Jinotega, Granada and Estelí. Country code is NIC, Life expectancy of Nicaragua is 72.07 years for male and 77.93 years for female. Spanish is the official language for Nicaraguans, other spoken languages include English, Miskito, Rama, Sumo, Miskito Coast Creole, Garifuna and Rama Cay Creole.
According to 2011 stats, Nicaragua population is multi ethnic, 69 percent are Mestizo, 17 percent are White, 9 percent are Black and 5 percent are Indigenous.
Below table is the population of Nicaragua from 1960 to 2020:Year | Population |
1960 | 1,773,132 |
1965 | 2,068,379 |
1970 | 2,406,523 |
1975 | 2,806,859 |
1980 | 3,265,520 |
1985 | 3,734,343 |
1990 | 4,173,435 |
1995 | 4,652,185 |
2000 | 5,069,310 |
2005 | 5,438,692 |
2010 | 5,824,058 |
2015 | 6,223,234 |
2020 | 6,624,554 |
Nicaragua population in 1960 is 1,773,132, by 1970 the population is increased by 633,391 totaling to 2,406,523, by 1980 the population is increased to 3,265,520, and by 1990 the total increase of 4,173,435 in 30 years from 1960 to 1990 resulting to 4,173,435. From 1990 to 2000, population increased by 895,875 to 5,069,310, and from 2000 to 2010 the population of Nicaragua increase by 754,748 with a change of 14.89 percent and increase of population from 2010 to 2020 by 800,496 with a change of 13.74 percent and make up to 6,624,554. Nicaragua population in 2023 is estimated to be 6.88 million, population in 2022 is estimated to be 6.78 million, Population of Nicaragua in 2021 is estimated as 6.7 million.
Nicaragua is divided into fifteen departments:
Department or autonomous region | Capital | Area (sq km) | Population (2015) |
Boaco | Boaco | 4,176.68 | 178,582 |
Carazo | Jinotepe | 1,081.40 | 190,769 |
Chinandega | Chinandega | 4,822.42 | 429,557 |
Chontales | Juigalpa | 6,481.27 | 185,866 |
Estelí | Estelí | 2,229.69 | 224,331 |
Granada | Granada | 1,039.68 | 206,009 |
Jinotega | Jinotega | 9,222.40 | 438,413 |
León | León | 5,138.03 | 410,860 |
Madriz | Somoto | 1,708.23 | 164,146 |
Managua | Managua | 3,465.10 | 1,484,462 |
Masaya | Masaya | 610.78 | 364,168 |
Matagalpa | Matagalpa | 6,803.86 | 561,282 |
Nueva Segovia | Ocotal | 3,491.28 | 253,489 |
Rivas | Rivas | 2,161.82 | 177,668 |
Río San Juan | San Carlos | 7,543.30 | 127,225 |
North Caribbean Coast Autonomous Region | Bilwi | 33,105.98 | 480,874 |
South Caribbean Coast Autonomous Region | Bluefields | 27,260.02 | 385,102 |
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