Tajikistan is a landlocked country in Central Asia, borders Kyrgyzstan to the north, China to the east, Afghanistan to the south and Uzbekistan to the west. Tajikistan population in 2025 is estimated to be 10.55 million, covers country area of 143,100 sq km (55,300 sq mi), ranks ninety-forth country by area and the ninety-third most populous country in the world. Its capital and largest city is Dushanbe and other popular cities are Khujand, Bokhtar, Kulab, Istaravshan, Isfara, Vahdat, Tursunzoda and Konibodom. Country code is TJK, Life expectancy of Tajikistan ranks one-hundred-twenty-fourth in the world with average lifespan of 67.58 years for male and 71.55 years for female. Tajiks spread over parts of Afghanistan and Uzbekistan.
Below table is the population of Tajikistan from 1960 to 2020:Year | Population |
1960 | 2,087,053 |
1965 | 2,487,975 |
1970 | 2,930,108 |
1975 | 3,390,941 |
1980 | 3,905,443 |
1985 | 4,537,820 |
1990 | 5,283,811 |
1995 | 5,764,806 |
2000 | 6,216,329 |
2005 | 6,789,318 |
2010 | 7,527,397 |
2015 | 8,454,019 |
2020 | 9,537,642 |
Tajikistan population in 1960 is 2,087,053, by 1970 the population is increased by 843,055 totaling to 2,930,108, by 1980 the population is increased to 3,905,443, and by 1990 the total increase of 5,283,811 in 30 years from 1960 to 1990 resulting to 5,283,811. From 1990 to 2000, population increased by 932,518 to 6,216,329, and from 2000 to 2010 the population of Tajikistan increase by 1,311,068 with a change of 21.09 percent and increase of population from 2010 to 2020 by 2,010,245 with a change of 26.71 percent and make up to 9,537,642. Tajikistan population in 2023 is estimated to be 10.26 million, population in 2022 is estimated to be 9.72 million, Population of Tajikistan in 2021 is estimated as 9.51 million.
Tajikistan is divided into two regions, one autonomous region, Districts of Republican Subordination and the capital city Dushanbe. According to stat, Tajikistan population 2020 estimates.
Region/Districts | Tajik | Capital | Area {sq km) | Pop (2000) | Pop (2010) | Population (2020) |
Sughd Region | Вилояти Суғд | Khujand | 25,400 | 1,871,979 | 2,233,550 | 2707300 |
Districts of Republican Subordination | Ноҳияҳои тобеи ҷумҳурӣ | Dushanbe | 28,600 | 1,337,479 | 1,722,908 | 2,165,900 |
Khatlon Region | Вилояти Хатлон | Bokhtar | 24,800 | 2,150,136 | 2,677,251 | 3,348,300 |
Gorno-Badakhshan Autonomous Region1 | Вилояти Мухтори Кӯҳистони Бадахшон | Khorugh | 64,200 | 206,004 | 205,949 | 229,200 |
Dushanbe | Душанбе | Dushanbe | 124.6 | 561,895 | 724,844 | 863,400 |
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