
United States Population 2025

us population
The United States of America is the 3rd largest country in the world, located on the continent of North America, United States population in 2025 is estimated to be 335.88 million, with the growth rate of 0.8%. It has a Life expectancy of 80.73 years for female and 76.28 years for male. Its highly urbanized with a population of 82% living in US Cities and suburbs. The last census was held in the year 2020, and the next census will be in the year 2030. America was the first of the European population to separate successfully from its motherland. A country for less than two and a half centuries, the United States is a new member of the global community, but its rapid growth since the 18th century is unparalleled. The US population is young by most of the countries in the world, modern-era started around decade ago with many inventions and discoveries in the country. The population of United States is the highly diverse, It has a diversity that has come from the global immigration unlike China that largely incorporated indigenous peoples. As the immigrants from the 18th century, most have been in believe that the road to success. People tend to believe in equality of opportunity and self improvement and not to inequities in society.

The United States, abbreviated as "US" or "USA" is the world's greatest economic power, measured in terms of gross domestic product (GDP). the United States is the most important single factor in world trade by virtue of the sheer size of its economy. Its exports and imports represent major proportions of the world total. The country continues to sustain an economic life that is more diversified than any other on Earth, providing the majority of its people with one of the world's highest standards of living. In the 20th century the U.S emerged as a world power with lot of technology improvements in all the sectors to raise the living standards of the US by population. Even though By 2020, there were 37.2 million people in poverty, approximately 3.3 million more than in 2019. States with the Lowest Cost of Living as per index are Mississippi is 84.10, followed by Kansas with 86.8, Oklahoma with 87.2, Arkansas with 88.1, Missouri with 89.1, Alabama with 89.2, New Mexico with 89.3, Georgia with 89.7, Tennessee with 89.7 and Indiana with 89.9, where as Cost of Living in California is expensive. Since World War II it has been one of the well distinguished powers. Americans have migrated internally with great vigour and most of them arrived to remake themselves in the New World. In 21st century, the majority of the U.S. population had benefited high level of security, comfort and prosperity. Although the country has largest urban concentrations, the total population of the US is large by world standards.

The United States is the world's greatest economic power in terms of gross domestic product. Americans mostly all of them are immigrants except Native Indians, After decades of immigration, many U.S. citizens can trace no discernible ethnic identity, describing themselves generically only as "American", while others claim mixed identities. The 2000 U.S. census introduced a new category for race identification, many identified themselves as more than one race, and, of 281.4 million counted, 2.4 percent chose this multi-racial classification. Ten years later, in the 2010 census, those percentage had grown to 2.9 percent of 308 million. US population in 2021 is estimated to be 332 million. In most US states, age of consent has been arbitrarily designated by statute, However, this age of consent varies widely from state to state from 12 years to 16 years. As per FBI crime 2017 stats, an estimated 1,247,321 violent crimes occurred nationwide, crime total was 6.8 percent above the 2013 level but 10.6 percent below the 2008 level, 382.9 violent crimes per 100,000 inhabitants in 2017, Out of these Aggravated assaults accounted for 65.0 percent of violent crimes, Robbery offence accounted for 25.6 percent, rape cases accounted for 8.0 percent and murder accounted for 1.4 percent. Regarding types of weapons used in violent crime, firearms were used in 72.6 percent of the nation's murders, 40.6 percent of robberies, and 26.3 percent of aggravated assaults. Major cities, such as Chicago and Baltimore have seen increases in homicides in recent years, overall violent crime and property crime rates are going down. The best states to live and lower crime rate US states are Maine ranks first for public safety, Vermont places second, followed by New Hampshire, New Jersey and Idaho. Detroit listed as twenty-second Most Dangerous Cities in the World.

Population Indicators
Birth Rate11.6
Infant Mortality5.7
Fertility Rate1.8
Death Rate8
Population Above 6015.1%
Life Expectancy (M)80
Life Expectancy (F)82

United States Population Indicators
Birth rate is 11.6 births/1000 people in 2018. Infant Mortality is 5.7/1000 live births in 2017. Fertility rate is 1.8 births per woman in 2017. Death rate is 8 deaths/1000 people in 2016. Population above 60 years is 15.1% in 2018. Life expectancy for male is 80, and for female is 82.

Income Distribution

Levelas on 2011point change
2001 to 2011
Low income3.4%1.3%
Middle income7.4%-0.2%
Upper-middle income31.9%0.5%
High income55.7%-2.5%

The United States economy is the largest in the world as measured by nominal GDP. According to the pewglobal more than half of the United States population are categorized in High income group of 55.7%, followed by 31.9% of population are upper middle income group and 7.4% with middle income and rest 5% are poor and low income group.

US Income Statistics 2021/2022

Below is the Income Summary Measures by Selected Characteristics for the year 2020 and 2021.

CharacteristicNumber (millions)Median income (dollars)Number (millions)Median income (dollars)Percent change income
All households129.2471,186131.2070,784-0.6
Type of Household
Family households83.7190,72284.2791,1620.5
...Female householder, no spouse15.4651,55415.6251,168-0.7
...Male householder, no spouse6.9670,4787.2170,5250.1
Nonfamily households45.5342,60746.9441,797-1.9
...Female householder23.8637,51624.2235,737-4.7
...Male householder21.6749,62522.7249,466-0.3
...White, not Hispanic84.7178,91285.0877,999-1.2
Hispanic (any race)18.3458,01519.2357,981-0.1
By Age
Under 65 years94.5980,45695.3780,7340.3
...15 to 24 years5.5049,0946.0651,6455.2
...25 to 34 years20.5774,95820.9974,862-0.1
...35 to 44 years22.3089,71122.6090,3120.7
...45 to 54 years21.8094,63321.6597,0892.6
...55 to 64 years24.4277,87224.0775,842-2.6
65 years and older34.6548,86635.8347,620-2.6
Nativity of Householder
...Naturalized citizen11.2072,46711.3374,1502.3
...Not a citizen8.4157,8049.0757,132-1.2
By Residence
Inside metropolitan statistical areas111.4674,622113.2773,823-1.1
...Inside principal cities43.2765,60943.6364,839-1.2
...Outside principal cities68.1980,01769.6479,599-0.5
Outside metropolitan statistical areas17.7854,30017.9453,750-1.0
By Education
....Total, age 25 and older123.7573,013125.1472,046-1.3
No high school diploma9.9631,13010.0130,378-2.4
High school, no college31.4049,96532.2150,4010.9
Some college33.4367,07533.7964,378-4.0
Bachelor's degree or higher48.95112,39349.13115,4562.7
Median household income was $70,784 in 2022, The median household income for Whites is $74,262 for the period of 2021 and 2022, for Blacks the median income is $48,297, for Asians the median income is $101,418 and for Hispanics the income is $57,981.

US Poverty Statistics 2021/2022

The official poverty rate in 2021 was 11.6 percent, with 37.9 mil­lion people in poverty, even though United States economy is the largest in the world with 25 trillion dollars in 2023. The poverty rates decreased for people under the age of 18 and increased for people 65 years and older. The Supplemental Poverty Measure, SPM rate in 2021 was 7.8 percent, a decrease of 1.4 percentage points from 2020.

CharacteristicPopulation Below povertyBelow poverty PercentPopulationBelow povertyBelow poverty PercentChange NumberChange Percent
Year2020(millions)2020(millions)20202021(millions)2021(millions)20212020-2021 (Thousands)2020-2021
By Race
...White. not Hispanic195.0816.08.2194.315.88.1-233-0.1
American Indian and Alaska Native3.95791.
Hispanic (any race)61.7710.517.062.510.717.11700.1
By Age
Under 18 years73.5411.816.072.911.115.3-640-0.7
18 to 64 years199.7520.910.5199.121.010.5750.1
65 years and older54.284.98.956.25.810.39501.4
By Nativity
...Naturalized citizen22.802.
...Not a citizen22.364.017.823.94.418.54450.7
By Region
By Residence
Inside metropolitan statistical areas285.1631.611.1285.831.611.070
...Inside principal cities106.4815.314.3104.615.014.3-2950
...Outside principal cities178.6816.39.1181.216.69.23030
Outside metropolitan statistical areas42.416.
By Work Experience
....Total. aged 18 to 64199.7520.910.5199.121.010.5750.1
All workers153.667.65.0153.07.24.7-456-0.3
Worked full-time. year-round100.281.61.6110.72.01.84260.2
Less than full-time. year-round53.386.011.342.35.112.2-8820.9
Did not work at least 1 week46.0913.328.846.113.830.05311.2
By Disability
....Total. aged 18 to 64199.7520.910.5199.121.010.5750.1
With a disability14.863.725.
With no disability183.8117.29.3182.116.99.3-2370
By Education
....Total. aged 25 and older224.9621.59.6226.322.610.01,0950.4
No high school diploma20.165.024.719.95.427.24342.5
High school. no college62.828.313.364.58.513.2181-0.1
Some college56.904.88.456.75.29.24440.8
Bachelor's degree or higher85.

US Internal Migration between regions, and from Abroad

Below is the list of movers with same region, between region to region and migration from other countries(abroad) of residence 1 year ago from 2021 to 2022. According to census.gov, 38 million people moved within the same region of 1 year, 3.9 million moved to other regions, out of these 848,199 moved to Northeast, 908,747 moved to Midwest, 1,199,863 moved to South and 975,048 moved to West. Between 2021 and 2022, From Northeast region a total of 554,601 people migrated to the following regions: to 96,432 to Midwest, 314,409 to South, 143,760 to West. From Midwest a total of 774,159 migrated: 121,241 to Northeast, 406,946 to South, 245,972 to West region. From South region a total 1,650,926 people migrated: 536,984 to Northeast, 528,626 to Midwest, 585,316 to West. From West region a total of 952,171 people migrated: to 189,974 to Northeast, 283,689 to Midwest, 478,508 to South. Out of 1,808,191 people migrated from abroad, 346,865 to Northeast, 264,488 to Midwest, 718,537 to South, and 478,301 to West.

MigrationUnited StatesNorth EastMidwestSouthWest
Population 1 year and over326,169,56156,795,01168,044,561124,023,23977,306,750
... Same residence (non-movers)282,348,85850,461,16458,931,773106,448,18766,507,734
... Movers within same region38,080,6555,432,3818,074,14115,205,5899,368,544
Movers between regions by region of residence 1 year ago3,931,857554,601774,1591,650,926952,171
... Northeast848,199-121,241536,984189,974
... Midwest908,74796,432-528,626283,689
... South1,199,863314,409406,946-478,508
... West975,048143,760245,972585,316-
... ... Movers from abroad1,808,191346,865264,488718,537478,301

Religions in United States

73.3% are Christians which is the largest religion in United States, 2.1% is Judaism, 0.8% is Islam and remaining 18.2% is not affiliated to any religion.

Racial Groups in United States


The White population in the United States was 260,183,037 in 2021. California had the largest White population, totaling 29.3 million, followed by Texas with 23.5 million. Among counties the largest White population is Los Angeles County, California with 7,184,792.


The Black population in 2021 comprised 14.9% of the nation, with a total of 49,586,352. Texas State had the largest Black population in 2021, totaling 4,190,55, the largest Black populations with totals of 1,279,976 in Cook County, Illinois and 1,006,791 in Harris County, Texas.


California had the largest Asian population with 7,139,394, followed by New York with 2,032,935 and Texas with 1,842,911. Idaho also had the fastest Asian growing population. In California, Los Angeles County had the biggest Asian population with 1,713,784 in 2021, followed by Santa Clara County with 821,135 and Orange County with 802,288 Asian people. In total the Asian population in the United States was 23,962,215 in 2021.

American Indian or Alaska Native

The American Indian and Alaska Native population in 2021 is 7,206,898. California had the largest American Indian and Alaska Native population at 1,121,423, followed by Oklahoma at 574,171.

Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander

The Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander population rose to 1,709,860 in 2021. Hawaii had the largest Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander population with 399,045, followed by California with 375,388 and Washington with 105,305.


The Hispanic population in 2021 is 767,907. The largest Hispanic population states in 2021 are California with 15,754,605, Texas with 11,857,401 and Florida with 5,830,908. Among counties the largest are Los Angeles County with 4,824,989, followed by Harris County, Texas, with 2,097,602 and Miami-Dade County, Florida, with 1,838,864.

Languages in United States

As on estimated census of July 2017, ACS_17_5YR_B16001, The Languages of US spoken at home or ability to speak english are 236 millions speak only English, followed by 39 million of Spanish language speakers, 1.2 million of French(including Cajun). English is the most spoken language worldwide.
European languages in United States include 610,253 speak Italian, 720,092 Portuguese, 936,083 German, 282,863 Greek, 484,057 speak Yiddish/Pennsylvania Dutch or other Western Germanic languages. 907,362 are Russian speakers, 534,704 Polish, 246,471 Serbo-Croatian, 235,253 Armenian, 323,804 Ukrainian or Other Slavic languages.
Out of 3.6 million Asian Indians, Indian Language speakers in US speak native language at home are classified as, 775,313 speak Hindi, 405,998 speak Gujarati, 470,505 Urdu, 287,151 speak Punjabi, 311,381 Bengali, 244,472 Marathi, 350,283 Telugu, 258,631 Tamil, 235,297 speak Malayalam/Kannada languages, 549,519 are other Indo-European languages.
People from Mid and East Asia speakers include 3.27 million speak Chinese Mandarin/Cantonese, 1.1 million Korean, 1.47 million Vietnamese, 459,212 Japanese, 226,052 Hmong, 864,080 Khmer, 1.69 million are Tagalog(Filipino/Philippines), 306,303 Thai/Lao/Tai-Kadai languages and 359,916 speak other languages of Asia.
447,850 are Ilocano/Samoan/Hawaiian, or other Austronesian languages, Middle east people speakers are, 1.12 million are Arabic, 214,611 are Hebrew, 416,577 are Persian including Farsi and Dari.
African languages speakers are 492,294 speak Amharic/Somali, or other Afro-Asiatic languages, 484,415 speak Yoruba/Twi/Igbo, or other languages of Western Africa, 213,495 speak Swahili or other languages of Central, Eastern, and Southern Africa.
163,419 speak Navajo and 186,922 are other Native languages of North America.

United States population in 2023 is estimated to be 335.23 million, population in 2022 is estimated to be 332.4 million, has a total of 10 cities with the population greater than 1 million people and 311 states with population more than 100,000. There are 162 cities with population of 100,000 to 200,000 people and 77 cities are with population range of 200,000 - 500,000. 21 cities are between 1 million to half million population. New York City and Los Angeles are most populated cities in US with a population of 8.3 million and 4 Million. New York ranks number one in city population, Chicago and Houston are with 2.7 and 2.3 million, Chicago is 3 times denser compared to Houston with 3,633 sq mi. Phoenix and Philadelphia are around 1.6 million each, Philadelphia are 3 times denser than Phoenix. San Antonio, Sand Diego, Dallas an San Jose are between 1 to 1.5 million. California State has maximum number of cities with 74 followed by Texas and Florida with 39 and 22. The most dangerous cities in the US are Atlanta, Philadelphia, Salt Lake City, Springfield and Springfield in 2022. The driving age by state is 16 years for most of the states.

City ST Population(2017) Pop. per sq. mi.(2017)
New York city, NY 8,622,698 28,707.7
Los Angeles city, CA 3,999,759 8,534.5
Chicago city, IL 2,716,450 11,948.8
Houston city, TX 2,312,717 3,633.4
Phoenix city, AZ 1,626,078 3,141.2
Philadelphia city, PA 1,580,863 11,781.8
San Antonio city, TX 1,511,946 3,279.9
San Diego city, CA 1,419,516 4,371.1
Dallas city, TX 1,341,075 3,944.8
San Jose city, CA 1,035,317 5,832.3
Austin city, TX 951,750
Jacksonville city, FL 891,736
Fort Worth city, TX 875,456
As per US Census ACS_17_5YR_B02015 table in 2017, Total Asian Population in United States are 17.1 million, out of these 3.9 millions are Chinese, followed by 3.6 million are Indians from Indian subcontinent, Phillipines are 2.8 millions, Koreans are 1.4 millions and Vietnamese are 1.7 millions.
United States Asian Population17,186,320
Asian Indian3,672,647
Chinese, except Taiwanese3,948,201
Sri Lankan48,374
Other Asian, specified4,700
Other Asian, not specified135,366

The US most populous states area California(39 Million), Texas(28 Million) and Florida(20 Million).

State Population, 2018 Pop. per sq. mi., 2018
California 39,557,045 253.9
Texas 28,701,845 109.9
Florida 21,299,325 397.0
New York 19,542,209 414.7
Pennsylvania 12,807,060 286.2
Illinois 12,741,080 229.5
Ohio 11,689,442 286.1
Georgia 10,519,475 182.3
North Carolina 10,383,620 213.6
Michigan 9,995,915 176.6

History of United States

The History and Growth of the United States Census: As per manuscript prepared for the Senate in 1900 by CARROLL D. WRIGHT, By 1640 the British America contained a little over 25,000 whites, 60% of them in New England and 40% in Virginia. By 1660 at the restoration of monarchy the total went up to 80,000. At the period of European revolution in 1688, the 12 oldest states were confirmed to be 200,000 people, of whom Massachusetts with Plymouth and Maine may have 44,000, New Hampshire and Rhode Island each 6,000, Connecticut 17,000 to 20,000, New England has 75,000, New York may have less than 20,000, New Jersey has half as many, Pennsylvania and Delaware has 12,000, Maryland 25,000, Virginia 50,000, and the two Carolinas(North Carolina and South Carolina) which then included the soil of Georgia not less than 8,000 people.

In 1700 at the close of first hundred years the whole population in the country is estimated at 262,000 as distributed below.

Rhode Island10,000
New Hampshire10,000
North Carolina5,000
Yew york80,000
South Carolina7,000
New Jersey15,000

As per the History of the United States reference book, 1874, Boston, The first European settlement in North America was Spanish. Most people who came to North America in the 1600 were English. Others came from The Sweden, Germany, Netherlands, France, Scotland, and Northern Ireland. By 1690, 250,000 people lived in the New World called 'America'. By 1790, there were 2.5 million people. The first settlements were along the Atlantic coast and on rivers that flowed into the ocean. People from europe came for different reasons. Some left their homes to escape war in their country. Some of them sought political or religious freedom. Some had to work as servants to pay back the cost of their trip. Some, like Black Africans, brought them (arrived) as slaves. Many people were farmers and mostly know farming. Some owned small farms that they worked themselves. The wealthy persons who are farmers owned large plantations and used African slaves as workers. In time, the 13 colonies developed within three distinct regions. The relations between Native Indians and settlers are different from region to region, some have bad and some have friendly, as settlement grows the european settlers forced the Native Indians to move as the new rules were framed from time to time and governed mainly by the european country kings and law makers, a distant government, mostly British. The American Settlers Revolution and the war for independence from Britain assumed to began with a small fight between British troops and colonists on 1775. The desire for independence increased in the next few months and In 1778, France recognized the United States as an independent country and signed a treaty of alliance.

From 262,000 people in 1700 to half a million appears to be reached by 1721, a Million population followed in twenty two years by 1743, By 1767 in twenty two years it was being doubled to two million. The First Census was conducted in 1790, The total population of the United States in 1790 was 3,929,214. The enumeration of the inhabitants of the United States for the Second Census was 5,308,483. In 1810 Census was 7,239,881.

In 1630 the estimates of white people are little above 4,500(Maine 400, New Hampshire 500, Plymouth 390, Massachusetts 506, New York 350, Virginia 2500) to more than 25,000 in 1640(Maine 900, New Hampshire 1,055, Plymouth 1,020, Massachusetts 8,932, Rhode Island 300, Connecticut 1,472, New York 1,930, Maryland 583, Virginia 10,442). After first census in 1790 records as 3.9 million, United States conducted second census with detailed citizen information on age and slaves on August 4, 1800 and the count was 5.3 Million living in US out of 893,602 were slaves. Until 1870 the Africans were treated as slaves till civil war fought between 1861 and 1865 by African population and civil rights were granted to freed black slaves and finally included in the census as blacks(around 10% ). Albama population in Mar 1817 is reported as 127,901, Michigan in 1884.

Census Population Percentage change
1790 3,929,214
1800 5,236,631 33.30%
1810 7,239,881 38.30%
1820 9,638,453 33.10%
1830 12,866,020 33.50%
1840 17,069,453 32.70%
1850 23,191,876 35.90%
1860 31,443,321 35.60%
1870 38,558,371 22.60%
1880 49,371,340 28.00%
1890 62,979,766 27.60%
1900 76,212,168 21.00%
1910 92,228,531 21.00%
1920 106,021,568 15.00%
1930 123,202,660 16.20%
1940 132,165,129 7.30%
1950 151,325,798 14.50%
1960 179,323,175 18.50%
1970 203,211,926 13.30%
1980 226,545,805 11.50%
1990 248,709,873 9.80%
2000 281,421,906 13.20%
2010 308,745,538 8.84%

Total States in USA

The total list of states in USA are 50 and Washington D.C. is a federal district under the authority of Congress. All are located in North America between Mexico and Canada there are 48 U.S states, while Alaska is in far north western part and Hawaii is an archipelago in the mid-pacific region. The largest US state by area is Alaska, with 665,384 sq mi (1,723,340 sq km), while the smallest is Rhode Island with 1,545 sq mi (4,000 sq km). The U.S. States population in July 2018 census estimates as follows, California is the most populous state with 39 million, and Wyoming is the least populous state.

Washington, D.C.702,455
New Hampshire1,356,458
New Jersey8,908,520
New Mexico2,095,428
New York19,542,209
North Carolina10,383,620
North Dakota760,077
Rhode Island1,057,315
South Carolina5,084,127
South Dakota882,235
West Virginia1,805,832

Population Projection

The US census were not carried out either in the pre-european period or during the colonial period initially till 1790, According to Pri, The Early American Native population before 1492 is estimated to be 60 Million. But the European explorers brought diseases to the Americas which devastated the native population, and resulted in collapse in their population and civilisation, including life skills and farming. By the time in 1620 the U.S. population the colonial population grew from a shaky start of just 2300 in 1620 and 111,935 in 1670 to over 1 million in 1750. By 2030 the US population is expected to be 360 million and 370 million by 2035. Fertility rate was 1.931 in the 2010 census recorded, estimates as on 2017 is 1.765.


1. Census
2. Population by Income
3. Lieber Collection
4. Census Stats by Wright Hunt
5. Stories of european colonization
6. FBI crime stats

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