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United States Population
States by Population

Alaska Population 2025

Alaska is the northwest state of United States borders territory of Yukon to the east and southeast, and the Canadian province of British Columbia and a maritime border with Russia's Chukotka Autonomous Okrug to the west. Alaska population in 2025 is expected to be 731,280 and is the largest US state by area with 663,268 square miles (1,717,856 square km). In 1867, due to reduced Russian interest in the region, Russia offered to sold the Alaska territory to the U.S. for $7.2 million. Alaska has about 100,000 glaciers covering roughly 5% of the state. Alaska is popular for glaciers, mountains, rivers, lakes, and waterways, Alaska's largest lake, Lake Iliamna, is roughly the size of Connecticut. Alaska is famous for various creatures like salmon, jellyfish, moose, caribou, bears, whales, bison, puffins.

According to U.S. 2020 Census Results, AK population in 2020 is 733,391 dropping the growth rate from 2016 onwards. Alaska population in 2023 is expected to be 733,913, population in 2022 is expected to be 731,011, and in 2021 is expected to be 732,673.
YearPopulation% Change
2020733,391census updated
July 1, 2020
Source : Annual Estimates of the Resident Population: April 1, 2010 to July 1, 2018, last census by July 1, 2020

Alaska Population by Race

According to 2017 demographics estimates population of Alaska by race are: 65.26% are White Americans, 3.21% are Black Americans, 6.17% are Asian population

White Population

White population in Alaska are 481,971, percentage wise 65.26 percent are whites. Whites, also called White Americans or European American, having origins in the original peoples of Europe (numbers include hispanic whites).

Black Population

Black population in Alaska are 23,702, percentage wise 3.21 percent are blacks. African American refers to black population in Alaska, They are Black racial groups of Africa, includes Sub-Saharan African people, Kenyan, Nigerian, Caribbean such as Haitian and Jamaican.

Asian Population

Asian population in Alaska are 45,604, percentage wise 6.17 percent are asians, out of these 849 are Asian Indians, 2,134 are Chinese, 25,855 are Filipinos which is largest in asian population, 1,526 are Japanese, 4,849 are Korean, 1,208 are Vietnamese and 9,183 are other Asian nationals.

Hispanic Population

Hispanic population in Alaska are 50,162. Percentage wise 6.79 percent are hispanics, out of these 27,254 are Mexican people, 7,332 are Puerto Ricans, 813 are Cubans, and 14,763 are other Hispanic or Latinos. Hispanics may be of any race, included in applicable race categories.

NHPI represents 1.23% of population, 1565 are Native Hawaiian, 5,253 are Samoan and 481 are Guamanian or Chamorro. AIAN represents 14.21%, 427 belongs to Sioux tribals, 225 are Navajos, 653 are Chippewa and 714 are Cherokee tribal group.

Total Population738,565Percent
Black or African American23,7023.21%
American Indian and Alaska Native104,99514.216%
Cherokee tribal grouping7140.097%
Chippewa tribal grouping6530.088%
Navajo tribal grouping2250.030%
Sioux tribal grouping4270.058%
Asian Population45,6046.17%
Asian Indian8490.11%
Other Asian Population9,183
Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander9,0751.23%
Native Hawaiian1,5650.212%
Guamanian or Chamorro4810.065%
Other Pacific Islander1,776
Some other race10,505
Hispanic or Latino50,1626.79%
Puerto Rican7,3320.99%
Other Hispanic or Latino14,763

Source: US Census 2017(Table B03002)

Top Cities of Alaska


Population Pyramid

Source: 2021 US Census Estimates: Population In Five Year Age-Group

Alaska Population by Age

According to 2019 US population estimates, population of Alaska by age is 738,565, out of these 386,319 are male, 352,246 are female, The sex ratio of Alaska is 1,097. The Alaska population by age are, under 15 years is 156,412, 15 years and over is 582,153, 30 years and over is 413,486, 65 years and over is 74,340 and 85 years and over is 5,921. 52.31 percent are male, 47.69 percent are female, 21.18 percent are under 15 years old, 78.82 percent are 15 years and over, 55.99 percent are 30 years and over, 10.07 percent are 65 years and over, 0.80 percent are 85 years and over.

Languages spoken in AK

English is the official language of Alaska, 83.99% of the population speak English, followed by 3.39% are Spanish speakers, 5.48 are Asian speakers and 2.36 speak european languages.
Speak only English574,74483.99
Spanish Language23,2263.39
European Language16,1542.36
Asian Languages37,4995.48
Other Languages32,6754.77
Source: US Census 2017(Table S1601)

Alaska Education

Below is the education stats of Alaska state of High school and universities.

Population 18 to 24 years76,87743,71933,158
Less than high school graduate11,3106,4544,856
High school graduate (includes equivalency)29,69317,94711,746
Some college or associates degree30,88517,13713,748
Bachelors degree or higher4,9892,1812,808
Population 25 years and over475,442246,692228,750
Less than 9th grade12,6565,6796,977
9th to 12th grade, no diploma23,52113,28910,232
High school graduate (includes equivalency)131,29376,27955,014
Some college, no degree129,94167,89662,045
Associates degree40,21019,66120,549
Bachelors degree88,30840,31747,991
Graduate or professional degree49,51323,57125,942
High school graduate or higher307,135162,414144,721
Bachelors degree or higher112,90254,06258,840
Black or African14,7078,5206,187
High school graduate or higher13,3257,7165,609
Bachelors degree or higher2,8921,1301,762
American Indian or Alaska Native alone59,10128,90530,196
High school graduate or higher48,54123,60924,932
Bachelors degree or higher4,6651,7582,907
High school graduate or higher24,12010,89413,226
Bachelors degree or higher7,7122,9404,772
Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander4,7042,2832,421
High school graduate or higher4,0541,9922,062
Bachelors degree or higher484166318
Hispanic or Latino Origin25,19212,95312,239
High school graduate or higher22,11611,31410,802
Bachelors degree or higher4,4821,8652,617
Source: US Census 2017(Table S1501)


Below is the disable population of Alaska state with the stats of difficulty in hearing, vision, ambulatory and cognitive.

Total civilian non-institutionalized population83,410
Black or African American3,118
American Indian and Alaska Native alone14,594
Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander743
Some other race879
With a hearing difficulty31,702
With a vision difficulty15,669
With a cognitive difficulty29,357
With an ambulatory difficulty38,636
With a self-care difficulty14,637
With an independent living difficulty24,292

Counties of Alaska

In the year 1961, the Alaska legislature passed a statute that allow local governments to incorporate as county-like Boroughs. Borough is a town with its local government or its a district which acts as an administrative unit. As on 2018, Anchorage Municipality is the largest administrative unit in Alaska with 291,538, followed by Matanuska-Susitna Borough with 107,610, Fairbanks North Star Borough with 98,971, Kenai Peninsula Borough with 58,533 and Juneau City and Borough with 32,113 people.

CountyPopulation 2017Population 2018% ChangeRank 2017Rank 2018
Aleutians East Borough3,4953,5150.62020
Aleutians West Census Area5,7265,723-0.11717
Anchorage Municipality294,264291,538-0.911
Bethel Census Area18,07918,2160.866
Bristol Bay Borough8708770.82828
Denali Borough2,0662,059-0.32525
Dillingham Census Area4,9355,0001.31919
Fairbanks North Star Borough99,72598,971-0.833
Haines Borough2,5182,474-1.72223
Hoonah-Angoon Census Area2,1392,1510.62424
Juneau City and Borough32,06132,1130.255
Kenai Peninsula Borough58,52258,533044
Ketchikan Gateway Borough13,88213,9180.377
Kodiak Island Borough13,51913,345-1.388
Kusilvak Census Area8,2308,3030.91313
Lake and Peninsula Borough1,6071,587-1.22626
Matanuska-Susitna Borough106,383107,6101.222
Nome Census Area9,96810,0080.499
North Slope Borough9,8319,8720.41010
Northwest Arctic Borough7,7677,671-1.21414
Petersburg Borough3,2593,221-1.22121
Prince of Wales-Hyder Census Area6,4696,422-0.71616
Sitka City and Borough8,6868,647-0.41212
Skagway Municipality1,1621,148-1.22727
Southeast Fairbanks Census Area6,8856,9180.51515
Valdez-Cordova Census Area9,2249,164-0.71111
Wrangell City and Borough2,5112,503-0.32322
Yakutat City and Borough607604-0.52929
Yukon-Koyukuk Census Area5,3965,327-1.31818


1. Census Fact finder
2. Historical Population of States from 1790 to 1990

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