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States by Population

Colorado Population 2025

Colorado (U.S. state abbreviation is 'CO') is the state of western region of United States, bordered by Kansas to the east, Utah to the west, Wyoming to the north, Nebraska to the northeast, Oklahoma to the southeast, New Mexico to the south. Colorado population in 2025 is estimated to be 5.89 million and its 22nd populous state in US. Colorado is gaining population and increased by 92,391 people since from 2020 census. Its area is 104,094 sq miles (269,837 sq km) and area rank is 8th largest in the United States. Its state capital is Denver and other top cities are Colorado Springs, Aurora, Fort Collins, Lakewood, Thornton, Arvada, Westminster, Pueblo, Greeley, Centennial, Boulder. The popular tourist places are Pikes Peak, Rocky Mountain National Park, Garden of Gods and Denver zoo. The word 'Colorado' means 'Red colored' or 'Color red' in Spanish, named after Colorado River. The Spanish explorers are first discovered Colorado during 1540, and was inhabited by Native Americans Pueblo, Apache, Comanche and Ute people for more than 13000 years. Glendale, Alamosa and Cortez are the most dangerous cities in Colorado State.

Population of Colorado is projected in 2019 is 5.7 million with change of 1.44%, compared to 1.42% in 2018. According to U.S. 2020 Census Results, CO population in 2020 is 5,773,714. Colorado population in 2023 is estimated to be 5.86 million, population in 2022 is estimated to be 5.85 million, and in 2021 is estimated to be 5.81 million.
YearPopulation% Change
20205,773,714census updated
July 1, 2020
Source : Annual Estimates of the Resident Population: April 1, 2010 to July 1, 2018, last census by July 1, 2020

Colorado Population by Race

According to 2017 demographics estimates population of Colorado by race are:

White Population

White population in Colorado are 4,576,201, percentage wise 84.18 percent are whites. Whites, also called White Americans or European American, having origins in the original peoples of Europe (numbers include hispanic whites).

Black Population

Black population in Colorado are 221,155, percentage wise 4.07 percent are blacks. African American refers to black population in Colorado, They are Black racial groups of Africa, includes Sub-Saharan African people, Kenyan, Nigerian, Caribbean such as Haitian and Jamaican.

Asian Population

Asian population in Colorado are 164,771, percentage wise 3.03 percent are asians, out of these 27,931 are Asian Indians, 32,485 are Chinese, 15,463 are Filipinos, 11,113 are Japanese, 20,757 are Korean, 24,222 are Vietnamese and 32,800 are other Asian nationals.

Hispanic Population

Hispanic population in Colorado are 1,157,200. Percentage wise 21.29 percent are hispanics, out of these 848,985 are Mexican people, 30,533 are Puerto Ricans, 11,623 are Cubans, and 266,059 are other Hispanic or Latinos. Hispanics may be of any race, included in applicable race categories.

Native Hawaiians are 2,424 persons, Guamanian/Chamorro are 1,648 and Samoan are 1,810.

Total Population5,436,519Percent
Black or African American221,1554.07%
American Indian and Alaska Native51,4060.946%
Cherokee tribal grouping4,5820.084%
Chippewa tribal grouping8410.015%
Navajo tribal grouping7,5060.138%
Sioux tribal grouping3,6500.067%
Asian Population164,7713.03%
Asian Indian27,9310.51%
Other Asian Population32,800
Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander8,5800.16%
Native Hawaiian2,4240.045%
Guamanian or Chamorro1,6480.030%
Other Pacific Islander2,698
Some other race225,497
Hispanic or Latino1,157,20021.29%
Puerto Rican30,5330.56%
Other Hispanic or Latino266,059

Source: US Census 2017(Table B03002)

Top Cities of Colorado

2Colorado Springs472,688
4Fort Collins167,830
16Castle Rock town64,827
17Grand Junction63,374
19Parker town55,636

Population Pyramid

Source: 2021 US Census Estimates: Population In Five Year Age-Group

Colorado Population by Age

According to 2019 US population estimates, population of Colorado by age is 5,436,519, out of these 2,731,315 are male, 2,705,204 are female, The sex ratio of Colorado is 1,010. The Colorado population by age are, under 15 years is 1,044,984, 15 years and over is 4,391,535, 30 years and over is 3,255,953, 65 years and over is 707,396 and 85 years and over is 80,126. 50.24 percent are male, 49.76 percent are female, 19.22 percent are under 15 years old, 80.78 percent are 15 years and over, 59.89 percent are 30 years and over, 13.01 percent are 65 years and over, 1.47 percent are 85 years and over.

Languages spoken in CO

English is the official language in Coloarado state, As per the data available till 2017, People who speak natively at home are 83% are English, 11.8% are Spanish, 2.2% are European languages, 2% are Asian languages.
Out of Asian speakers of 103,392, 6,792 speak Hindi, 1,511 gujarati, 1,347 Punjabi, 1,685 Urdu, 1,000 Bengali, 6,472 Nepali/Marathi, 3,909 Telugu, 3,183 Tamil, 1,768 Malayalam/Kannada, 23,941 speak Chinese Mandarin/Cantonese, 6,342 Japanese, 14,780 Korean, 3,317 Hmong, 20,197 Vietnamese, 2,142 Khmer, 4,808 Thai/Lao/Tai-Kadai, 8,025 Tagalog.
4,745 speak Ilocano/Samoan/Hawaiian, 10,762 Arabic, 2,112 Hebrew, People who speak African languages are 13,030 Amharic/Somali, 6,000 Yoruba/Twi/Igbo, 3,458 Swahili.
Speak only English4,237,63283.05
Spanish Language603,30311.82
European Language114,4732.24
Asian Languages103,3922.03
Other Languages43,4690.85
Source: US Census 2017(Table S1601)

Colorado Education

Below table is the different levels of Education in CO state.

Population 18 to 24 years516,709270,221246,488
Less than high school graduate67,54239,58327,959
High school graduate (includes equivalency)152,32886,53365,795
Some college or associates degree237,187119,208117,979
Bachelors degree or higher59,65224,89734,755
Population 25 years and over3,668,4771,820,6901,847,787
Less than 9th grade133,06269,26463,798
9th to 12th grade, no diploma191,957101,62090,337
High school graduate (includes equivalency)791,683404,338387,345
Some college, no degree798,224393,795404,429
Associates degree307,078141,207165,871
Bachelors degree909,794445,317464,477
Graduate or professional degree536,679265,149271,530
High school graduate or higher2,602,0451,281,9781,320,067
Bachelors degree or higher1,234,589609,316625,273
Black or African139,11374,93664,177
High school graduate or higher124,67867,58557,093
Bachelors degree or higher33,62917,09916,530
American Indian or Alaska Native alone32,89416,08316,811
High school graduate or higher27,27412,89014,384
Bachelors degree or higher5,8262,6643,162
High school graduate or higher95,65443,21152,443
Bachelors degree or higher56,76626,77629,990
Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander4,8642,3972,467
High school graduate or higher4,4282,1442,284
Bachelors degree or higher1,249563686
Hispanic or Latino Origin631,852319,540312,312
High school graduate or higher446,145220,413225,732
Bachelors degree or higher92,01743,08048,937
Source: US Census 2017(Table S1501)


Below the listed table of Disablity people stats in Colorodo state as on 2017.

Total civilian non-institutionalized population565,570
Black or African American23,613
American Indian and Alaska Native alone8,604
Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander990
Some other race21,140
With a hearing difficulty188,367
With a vision difficulty105,275
With a cognitive difficulty203,511
With an ambulatory difficulty266,234
With a self-care difficulty92,458
With an independent living difficulty177,186

Counties of Colorado

Colorado state is popular for its mountains, plateaus, rivers, canyons and forests and the state is divided into 64 counties, Denver and El Paso are the largest counties with 716,492 and 713.856 people, followed by Arapahoe County with 615,215, Jefferson County with 580,233 and Adams County with 511,868.

CountyPopulation 2017Population 2018% ChangeRank 2017Rank 2018
Adams County504,428511,8681.555
Alamosa County16,54316,6830.83131
Arapahoe County644,132651,2151.133
Archuleta County13,31713,7653.43434
Baca County3,5633,5850.65656
Bent County5,8575,8820.44848
Boulder County324,073326,0780.688
Broomfield County68,23269,2671.51212
Chaffee County19,65120,0271.92626
Cheyenne County1,8601,8760.95959
Clear Creek County9,5829,6050.23939
Conejos County8,1538,2000.64040
Costilla County3,7723,8281.55555
Crowley County5,7985,85814949
Custer County4,8734,9541.75251
Delta County30,53730,9531.41919
Denver County705,439716,4921.611
Dolores County2,0532,07415858
Douglas County335,668342,7762.177
Eagle County54,99254,99301515
Elbert County25,73526,2822.12221
El Paso County700,800713,8561.922
Fremont County47,60748,0210.91616
Garfield County59,11359,7701.11313
Gilpin County6,0266,1211.64747
Grand County15,35615,5251.13232
Gunnison County16,93117,2461.93030
Hinsdale County7918112.56262
Huerfano County6,6456,8893.74444
Jackson County1,3791,3991.56060
Jefferson County575,817580,2330.844
Kiowa County1,3671,3831.26161
Kit Carson County7,1527,1630.24343
Lake County7,7537,8240.94242
La Plata County55,54156,3101.41414
Larimer County343,993350,5181.966
Las Animas County14,23114,5031.93333
Lincoln County5,5305,6101.45050
Logan County21,66521,528-0.62525
Mesa County151,406153,2071.21111
Mineral County7597762.26363
Moffat County13,09513,1880.73535
Montezuma County26,14826,15802122
Montrose County41,78542,21411717
Morgan County28,22828,5581.22020
Otero County18,40318,4320.22728
Ouray County4,8094,8330.55353
Park County17,92018,5563.52927
Phillips County4,2974,286-0.35454
Pitkin County17,95217,95002829
Prowers County12,07112,1640.83636
Pueblo County166,426167,5290.71010
Rio Blanco County6,3946,336-0.94646
Rio Grande County11,30611,250-0.53737
Routt County25,34625,7331.52323
Saguache County6,6436,84334545
San Juan County7117627.26464
San Miguel County8,0478,1911.84141
Sedgwick County2,3342,303-1.35757
Summit County31,00431,00701818
Teller County24,63825,0831.82424
Washington County4,9364,909-0.55152
Weld County305,274314,305399
Yuma County10,01510,02003838


1. Census Fact finder
2. Historical Population of States from 1790 to 1990

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