World Population
United States Population
States by Population

Missouri Population 2025

missouri people
Missouri (U.S. state abbreviation is 'MO') is a mid-western state of United States, borders Arkansas to the south, Illinois to the east, Iowa to the north, Kansas to the west. Missouri population in 2025 is estimated to be 6.21 million, ranking 18th populous state in the United States. Its area is 69,715 sq mi (180,560 sq km), ranks 21st largest in US. State capital is Jefferson City and other top cities of Missouri are Kansas City, St. Louis, Springfield, Independence and Columbia, These top cities are listed in most dangerous cities in Missouri with State crime ranks ranging from thirteenth to one-hundred-sixteenth. The state of Missouri was formed in 1821, named after Native Indians of Sioux tribe, Missouri means 'town of the large canoes'. Missouri has more than 6300 caves also known as Cave state, the popular are Onondaga cave, Cathedral cave, Fisher Cave and Ozark, also there are many fountains in the Missouri's Kansas city. The cheapest cigarette tax in the US is by the Missouri State.

The population of Missouri in 2019 is estimated to be 6.14 million with the change 0.25% compared to 0.29% in 2018. Since from 2010 the population standard change from 0.23 to 0.29. According to U.S. 2020 Census Results, MO population in 2020 is 6,154,913. Missouri population in 2023 is estimated to be 6.18 million, population in 2022 is estimated to be 6.18 million, and in 2021 is estimated to be 6.16 million.
YearPopulation% Change
20206,154,913census updated
July 1, 2020
Source : Annual Estimates of the Resident Population: April 1, 2010 to July 1, 2018, last census by July 1, 2020

Missouri Population by Race

According to 2017 demographics estimates population of Missouri by race are, In terms of Missouri state statistics of race and groups are, 82.3% are White Americans, 11.5 are Black or African Americans, 4% are Hispanic/Latino, 1.9% are Asians.

White Population

White population in Missouri are 5,004,537, percentage wise 82.38 percent are whites. Whites, also called White Americans or European American, having origins in the original peoples of Europe (numbers include hispanic whites).

Black Population

Black population in Missouri are 703,061, percentage wise 11.57 percent are blacks. African American refers to black population in Missouri, They are Black racial groups of Africa, includes Sub-Saharan African people, Kenyan, Nigerian, Caribbean such as Haitian and Jamaican.

Asian Population

Asian population in Missouri are 112,959, percentage wise 1.86 percent are asians, out of these 27,111 are Asian Indians, 25,690 are Chinese, 12,606 are Filipinos, 3,261 are Japanese, 9,803 are Korean, 15,686 are Vietnamese and 18,802 are other Asian nationals.

Hispanic Population

Hispanic population in Missouri are 244,420. Percentage wise 4.02 percent are hispanics, out of these 168,119 are Mexican people, 15,166 are Puerto Ricans, 6,991 are Cubans, and 54,144 are other Hispanic or Latinos. Hispanics may be of any race, included in applicable race categories.

American Indians(Natives are 25,933, Navajo are 443, Cherokee tribals are 9,228 and Chippewa are 392 people. Native Hawaiian are 2,124, Guamanian/Chamorro are 878, Samoan are 1,351.

Total Population6,075,300Percent
Black or African American703,06111.57%
American Indian and Alaska Native25,9330.427%
Cherokee tribal grouping9,2280.152%
Chippewa tribal grouping3920.006%
Navajo tribal grouping4430.007%
Sioux tribal grouping1,1050.018%
Asian Population112,9591.86%
Asian Indian27,1110.45%
Other Asian Population18,802
Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander6,3360.10%
Native Hawaiian2,1240.035%
Guamanian or Chamorro8780.014%
Other Pacific Islander1,983
Some other race71,084
Hispanic or Latino244,4204.02%
Puerto Rican15,1660.25%
Other Hispanic or Latino54,144

Source: US Census 2017(Table B03002)

Top Cities of Missouri

1Kansas City491,918
2St. Louis302,838
6Lee's Summit98,461
8St. Joseph75,959
9St. Charles70,764
10St. Peters57,127
11Blue Springs55,104

Population Pyramid

Source: 2021 US Census Estimates: Population In Five Year Age-Group

Missouri Population by Age

According to 2019 US population estimates, population of Missouri by age is 6,075,300, out of these 2,981,332 are male, 3,093,968 are female, The sex ratio of Missouri is 964. The Missouri population by age are, under 15 years is 1,150,802, 15 years and over is 4,924,498, 30 years and over is 3,692,958, 65 years and over is 956,032 and 85 years and over is 123,106. 49.07 percent are male, 50.93 percent are female, 18.94 percent are under 15 years old, 81.06 percent are 15 years and over, 60.79 percent are 30 years and over, 15.74 percent are 65 years and over, 2.03 percent are 85 years and over.

Languages spoken in MO

English is the official language of MO state, 94% of the population speak English at home, 2.56% Spanish, 1.7% European languages, 1.22 speak Asian Languages.
In terms of Asian Indian language speakers, 5,675 Hindi, 2,796 Gujarati, 778 Punjabi, 4,856 Urdu, 1,404 Bengali, 4,242 Marathi/Nepali, 4,290 Telugu, 2,025 Tamil, 1,901 Kannada/Malayalam.
People from East and Mid Asia speak, 20,573 Chinese Mandarin/Cantonese, 2,604 Japanese, 1,224 Hmong, 924 Khmer, 13,727 Vietnamese, 6,618 Korean, 1,847 Thai/Lao/Tai-Kadai, 7,482 Tagalog, a Philiphine language.
Middle east origin speakers are, 11,479 Arabic, 1,076 Hebrew.
People from African origin speak, 5,868 Amharic/Somali, 3,562 Yoruba/Twi/Igbo, 4,733 Swahili.
3,611 speak Ilocano, Samoan, Hawaiian language, 762 are Haitian.
People originate from europe speak, 11,293 French, 3,309 Italian, 19680 German, 2,973 Portuguese, 10,043 Yiddish/Pennsylvania Dutch, 2,236 Greak, 7,444 Russian, 1,580 Polish, 12,008 Serbo-Croatian, 2,069 Ukranian/Slavic, 216 Armenian.
Speak only English5,358,63393.98
Spanish Language146,2252.56
European Language98,4681.73
Asian Languages69,8031.22
Other Languages29,0300.51
Source: US Census 2017(Table S1601)

Missouri Education

Below is the high school statistics of Missouri state:

Population 18 to 24 years585,682299,606286,076
Less than high school graduate75,37044,44830,922
High school graduate (includes equivalency)177,962102,53375,429
Some college or associates degree273,399128,088145,311
Bachelors degree or higher58,95124,53734,414
Population 25 years and over4,100,2091,970,5102,129,699
Less than 9th grade139,87069,80570,065
9th to 12th grade, no diploma302,552153,658148,894
High school graduate (includes equivalency)1,268,884640,945627,939
Some college, no degree917,414431,738485,676
Associates degree315,780133,862181,918
Bachelors degree718,198337,497380,701
Graduate or professional degree437,511203,005234,506
High school graduate or higher3,075,2041,478,7341,596,470
Bachelors degree or higher993,847470,059523,788
Black or African430,776194,714236,062
High school graduate or higher367,672162,847204,825
Bachelors degree or higher76,27828,86747,411
American Indian or Alaska Native alone18,0849,3958,689
High school graduate or higher15,0177,6307,387
Bachelors degree or higher3,4601,4721,988
High school graduate or higher64,41329,80134,612
Bachelors degree or higher42,85021,43521,415
Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander3,3861,8641,522
High school graduate or higher2,7181,6351,083
Bachelors degree or higher764557207
Hispanic or Latino Origin123,00663,47859,528
High school graduate or higher87,46144,39243,069
Bachelors degree or higher24,15611,48612,670
Source: US Census 2017(Table S1501)


Disable people statistics of the state Missouri as per table below:

Total civilian non-institutionalized population865,207
Black or African American102,653
American Indian and Alaska Native alone5,858
Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander770
Some other race4,662
With a hearing difficulty246,054
With a vision difficulty151,646
With a cognitive difficulty329,675
With an ambulatory difficulty456,884
With a self-care difficulty155,103
With an independent living difficulty293,878

Counties of Missouri

Total number of Counties in Missouri state is 114. St. Louis is the largest County with 996,945, followed by Jackson County with 700,307, St. Charles County with 399,182 and St. Louis city with 302,838.

CountyPopulation 2017Population 2018% ChangeRank 2017Rank 2018
Adair County25,30625,3390.14343
Andrew County17,44917,6070.96361
Atchison County5,2485,171-1.5108108
Audrain County25,60025,473-0.54242
Barry County35,68635,8860.63232
Barton County11,80911,798-0.18282
Bates County16,31016,3200.16665
Benton County19,06819,2781.15756
Bollinger County12,28612,169-17980
Boone County178,523180,0050.888
Buchanan County88,89488,571-0.41313
Butler County42,60942,6390.12626
Caldwell County9,0729,1080.49392
Callaway County44,94444,889-0.12424
Camden County45,44945,8150.82323
Cape Girardeau County78,28578,7530.61515
Carroll County8,7948,743-0.69595
Carter County6,1676,054-1.8106106
Cass County103,610104,9541.31010
Cedar County14,08114,1650.67272
Chariton County7,4787,451-0.4101101
Christian County85,34686,9831.91414
Clark County6,7276,8421.7102102
Clay County242,593246,3651.666
Clinton County20,55320,470-0.45354
Cole County76,66976,7960.21616
Cooper County17,64317,603-0.26162
Crawford County24,09523,957-0.64747
Dade County7,6017,569-0.4100100
Dallas County16,68616,7620.56564
Daviess County8,3598,313-0.69898
DeKalb County12,59012,6300.37878
Dent County15,44015,44106868
Douglas County13,27213,3730.87775
Dunklin County30,08629,423-2.23838
Franklin County103,288103,6700.41111
Gasconade County14,71814,705-0.17171
Gentry County6,6556,628-0.4103103
Greene County289,819291,9230.755
Grundy County9,9709,914-0.68888
Harrison County8,5288,414-1.39797
Henry County21,70021,7920.45252
Hickory County9,4219,5090.99090
Holt County4,4094,404-0.1112112
Howard County10,12210,1370.18787
Howell County40,08440,07602828
Iron County10,20510,177-0.38686
Jackson County697,720700,3070.422
Jasper County120,082120,6360.599
Jefferson County223,749224,3470.377
Johnson County53,75953,652-0.22121
Knox County3,9753,947-0.7113113
Laclede County35,45535,7130.73333
Lafayette County32,60532,59803535
Lawrence County38,28338,3590.23131
Lewis County9,9649,855-1.18989
Lincoln County56,13457,6862.81919
Linn County12,17212,037-1.18181
Livingston County15,16315,146-0.17070
McDonald County22,77923,0781.35048
Macon County15,24115,153-0.66969
Madison County12,23812,188-0.48079
Maries County8,8238,769-0.69494
Marion County28,61328,592-0.14040
Mercer County3,6773,641-1114114
Miller County25,20625,3360.54444
Mississippi County13,58013,336-1.87476
Moniteau County16,02216,1210.66767
Monroe County8,6108,6640.69696
Montgomery County11,42811,5340.98383
Morgan County20,11820,3581.25555
New Madrid County17,56517,296-1.56263
Newton County58,24858,26601818
Nodaway County22,40822,304-0.55151
Oregon County10,54710,541-0.18484
Osage County13,66313,7140.47373
Ozark County9,2039,017-29293
Pemiscot County16,81716,272-3.26466
Perry County19,19419,150-0.25657
Pettis County42,50442,5420.12727
Phelps County44,68644,7320.12525
Pike County18,54618,504-0.25858
Platte County101,219102,9851.71212
Polk County31,76632,2011.43636
Pulaski County51,84652,0140.32222
Putnam County4,7964,757-0.8110110
Ralls County10,22210,212-0.18585
Randolph County24,93224,763-0.74646
Ray County22,83922,8830.24950
Reynolds County6,2686,254-0.2104104
Ripley County13,56913,401-1.27574
St. Charles County395,245399,182133
St. Clair County9,3859,3950.19191
Ste. Genevieve County17,81317,8880.46060
St. Francois County66,65366,6920.11717
St. Louis County996,648996,945011
Saline County22,92422,895-0.14849
Schuyler County4,5144,5991.9111111
Scotland County4,9634,9660.1109109
Scott County38,56638,458-0.33030
Shannon County8,2398,189-0.69999
Shelby County6,0176,0500.5107107
Stoddard County29,34629,206-0.53939
Stone County31,65831,7490.33737
Sullivan County6,1996,2210.4105105
Taney County55,12555,8521.32020
Texas County25,68525,571-0.44141
Vernon County20,53620,52805453
Warren County34,36534,71113434
Washington County25,00824,943-0.34545
Wayne County13,30513,122-1.47677
Webster County38,68339,1091.12929
Worth County2,0492,040-0.4115115
Wright County18,33918,3780.25959
St. Louis city307,866302,838-1.644


1. Census Fact finder
2. Historical Population of States from 1790 to 1990

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