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States by Population

Nevada Population 2025

Nevada people
Nevada (U.S. state abbreviation is 'NV') is the western state of United States, bordered by Oregon and Idaho to the north, Utah to the east, California to the west and south, Arizona to the south-west. The state name Nevada comes from Sierra Nevada, a Spanish term meaning snow covered mountain range. Carson city is the state capital of Nevada, other top cities of Nevada are Las Vegas, Henderson, North Las Vegas, Reno, Sparks and Sunrise Manor. Nevada population in 2025 is estimated to be 3.2 million, ranks 33rd populous state in US. Nevada is the seventh largest state with 110,577 square miles(286,382 sq km) in the United States. Nevada is popular for hot springs with more than 300 occurring naturally. Nevada has moderate crime rate among the other states.

The population of Nevada state in 2019 is 3 million with change of 2.13% compared to 2.09% in 2018. According to U.S. 2020 Census Results, NE population in 2020 is 3,104,614. Nevada population in 2023 is estimated to be 3.2 million, population in 2022 is estimated to be 3.24 million, and in 2021 is estimated to be 3.14 million.
YearPopulation% Change
20203,104,614census updated
July 1, 2020
Source : Annual Estimates of the Resident Population: April 1, 2010 to July 1, 2018, last census by July 1, 2020

Nevada Population by Race

According to 2017 demographics estimates population of Nevada by race are, 67.06% are White Americans, 8.7% are Black Americans, 28.20% are Hispanic/Latino, 8% are Asians, 0.6% are NHPI, 1% are AIAN.

White Population

White population in Nevada are 1,936,453, percentage wise 67.06 percent are whites. Whites, also called White Americans or European American, having origins in the original peoples of Europe (numbers include hispanic whites).

Black Population

Black population in Nevada are 253,013, percentage wise 8.76 percent are blacks. African American refers to black population in Nevada, They are Black racial groups of Africa, includes Sub-Saharan African people, Kenyan, Nigerian, Caribbean such as Haitian and Jamaican.

Asian Population

Asian population in Nevada are 232,502, percentage wise 8.05 percent are asians, out of these 13,252 are Asian Indians, 34,645 are Chinese, 121,410 are Filipinos, 10,824 are Japanese, 14,867 are Korean, 11,935 are Vietnamese and 25,569 are other Asian nationals. 1,062 Bangladeshi, 127 Bhutanese, 852 Burmese, 1,475 Cambodian, 2,472 Laotian, 773 Sri Lankan, 118 Malaysian, 95 Mongolian, 21 Okinawan, 1,420 Pakistani, 1,042 Taiwanese, 6,639 Thai, 197 Hmong, 694 Nepalese.

Hispanic Population

Hispanic population in Nevada are 814,305. Percentage wise 28.20 percent are hispanics, out of these 618,822 are Mexican people, 27,113 are Puerto Ricans, 28,758 are Cubans, and 139,612 are other Hispanic or Latinos. Hispanics may be of any race, included in applicable race categories.

Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander are 19,019 people, 7,432 are Native Hawaiian, 4,034 Guamanian or Chamorro, 4,174 Samoan. American Indian and Alaska Native are 32,426, 1,632 Cherokee tribals, 419 Chippewa tribal group, 1,930 Navajo, 706 Sioux tribal groups.

Total Population2,887,725Percent
Black or African American253,0138.76%
American Indian and Alaska Native32,4261.123%
Cherokee tribal grouping1,6320.057%
Chippewa tribal grouping4190.015%
Navajo tribal grouping1,9300.067%
Sioux tribal grouping7060.024%
Asian Population232,5028.05%
Asian Indian13,2520.46%
Other Asian Population25,569
Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander19,0190.66%
Native Hawaiian7,4320.257%
Guamanian or Chamorro4,0340.140%
Other Pacific Islander3,379
Some other race279,977
Hispanic or Latino814,30528.20%
Puerto Rican27,1130.94%
Other Hispanic or Latino139,612

Source: US Census 2017(Table B03002)

Top Cities of Nevada

1Las Vegas644,644
4North Las Vegas245,949

Population Pyramid

Source: 2021 US Census Estimates: Population In Five Year Age-Group

Nevada Population by Age

According to 2019 US population estimates, population of Nevada by age is 2,887,725, out of these 1,450,091 are male, 1,437,634 are female, The sex ratio of Nevada is 1,009. The Nevada population by age are, under 15 years is 558,143, 15 years and over is 2,329,582, 30 years and over is 1,756,194, 65 years and over is 420,330 and 85 years and over is 39,296. 50.22 percent are male, 49.78 percent are female, 19.33 percent are under 15 years old, 80.67 percent are 15 years and over, 60.82 percent are 30 years and over, 14.56 percent are 65 years and over, 1.36 percent are 85 years and over.

Languages spoken in NV

English is the Official language of NV state, The languages spoken at home are, 69.5% are English, 21% is Spanish language, European languages are spoken by 2.4%, 5.8% speak Asian languages.
European language speakers are 4,098 Italian, 3,840 Portuguese, 8,375 German, 7,970 French (including Cajun), 1,390 speak Yiddish, Pennsylvania Dutch or other West Germanic languages. 1,602 speak Greek, 4,902 Russian, 1,889 Polish, 3,594 Serbo-Croatian, 4,007 Ukrainian or other Slavic languages and 3,264 Armenian.
Asian Indian languages speakers include 865 speak Gujarati, 3,599 Hindi, 1,567 Urdu, 1,984 Punjabi, 964 Telugu, 817 Tamil, 900 Malayalam/Kannada, or other Dravidian languages. 1,220 Bengali, 2,158 Nepali/Marathi, or other Indic languages, 3,900 Other Indo-European languages.
Austronesian languages include 9,680 speak Ilocano, Samoan, Hawaiian, or other Austronesian languages, 535 Haitian, 5,698 Arabic, 2,417 Hebrew, 4,416 Persian (including Farsi, Dari).
African languages include 10,534 Amharic, Somali, or other Afro-Asiatic languages, 1,001 Yoruba, Twi, Igbo, or other languages of Western Africa, 1,575 Swahili or other languages of Central, Eastern, and Southern Africa.
People from Mid and East Asia speak, 28,617 Chinese (including Mandarin, Cantonese), 6,301 Japanese, 11,739 Korean, 80 Hmong, 9,055 Vietnamese, 1,084 Khmer, 7,632 Thai/Lao, or other Tai-Kadai languages, 79,449 Tagalog (including Filipino), 1,794 speak other languages of Asia.
Native languages include 810 speak Navajo, 1,917 Other Native languages of North America.
Speak only English1,881,82969.53
Spanish Language575,22621.25
European Language65,1752.41
Asian Languages158,1125.84
Other Languages26,1760.97
Source: US Census 2017(Table S1601)

Nevada Education

Nevada state High school and College level education stats as per table below.

Population 18 to 24 years249,700128,181121,519
Less than high school graduate43,84425,18118,663
High school graduate (includes equivalency)91,38250,91940,463
Some college or associates degree101,23247,04454,188
Bachelors degree or higher13,2425,0378,205
Population 25 years and over1,968,023979,456988,567
Less than 9th grade116,41258,11858,294
9th to 12th grade, no diploma162,40682,54379,863
High school graduate (includes equivalency)556,851282,956273,895
Some college, no degree506,805251,455255,350
Associates degree159,42873,66285,766
Bachelors degree306,611150,528156,083
Graduate or professional degree159,51080,19479,316
High school graduate or higher1,042,335528,946513,389
Bachelors degree or higher316,432164,864151,568
Black or African160,80379,19381,610
High school graduate or higher142,21769,96472,253
Bachelors degree or higher27,60511,81715,788
American Indian or Alaska Native alone21,46910,30211,167
High school graduate or higher17,7648,4819,283
Bachelors degree or higher2,2031,0131,190
High school graduate or higher156,49967,74488,755
Bachelors degree or higher66,13128,34437,787
Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander12,0996,2225,877
High school graduate or higher10,8335,4315,402
Bachelors degree or higher1,499607892
Hispanic or Latino Origin446,097225,849220,248
High school graduate or higher285,853142,790143,063
Bachelors degree or higher41,68019,35022,330
Source: US Census 2017(Table S1501)


Nevada state disability statistics as per table below:

Total civilian non-institutionalized population370,381
Black or African American34,450
American Indian and Alaska Native alone5,808
Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander2,349
Some other race26,330
With a hearing difficulty116,617
With a vision difficulty91,018
With a cognitive difficulty129,861
With an ambulatory difficulty196,264
With a self-care difficulty71,616
With an independent living difficulty119,863

Counties of Nevada

As on 2017 census estimates, Nevada state is divided into 16 counties and 1 City, Clark is the populous County with 2,231,647, followed by Clark County with 2,231,647, Lyon County with 55,808, and Carson City population is 55,414.

CountyPopulation 2017Population 2018% ChangeRank 2017Rank 2018
Churchill County23,98924,4401.988
Clark County2,183,3102,231,6472.211
Douglas County48,01848,4670.966
Elko County52,37152,4600.255
Esmeralda County843826-21717
Eureka County1,9502,0032.71616
Humboldt County16,70216,7860.599
Lander County5,6045,575-0.51212
Lincoln County5,1825,2010.41313
Lyon County53,91555,8083.543
Mineral County4,4544,5141.31414
Nye County44,05145,3462.977
Pershing County6,4736,66631111
Storey County4,0034,0290.61515
Washoe County457,333465,7351.822
White Pine County9,5999,475-1.31010
Carson City54,60855,4141.534


1. Census Fact finder
2. Historical Population of States from 1790 to 1990

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